Show PLUTO JN IN CANCER by C 1 A naden as published in the occult digest THE 23 YEAR PERIOD OF DAN celsi ielsi PROPHECY to fully establish a little more of plutos mission we we 1 should return to the babylonian story of the king neb dream about the golden imade a thing that troubled him his council with the wise men of f that day only perplexed matters t e ra 1 it t w was as t through h r 0 ug h D daniels a nie 1 s interpretation in t e r p pre r t tation at 0 n a co cosmic s m i e st student ud e t t that b at g gave a v e a king a solution the nature of which to state briefly was the beginning influence cycle of the gentile age later ater brought out and was to continue for a period of 2500 years the image was a symbol and this was to t become the god of to the gentile people supplanting the animal fire sacrificial worship of the passing hebrew races a ceremonial pro program grani sot set up by abraham about 2000 years B C or at a time when the earth planet was just then entering the constellation of aries the ram ham in which the first decan of ten degrees was ruled by mars jupiter but in the abraham dispensation I 1 jupiter was named jehovah i the earth planet now by prece precision sion of the equinox was entering into the first pecan decan of aries and nearing the third decan of pisces thus we find there are two dreams of imperi importance tance in ernne tita with the daniel interpretations ions one of the kings golden image and the other of daniels vision in the ath chapter the hattei para with johns vision on the isle of outline in the books book of Reve tion however at this time ju viter ditc r was wa ci ans ippel the rulin n lin planet over the sign pisces as neptune row now wai iva not assigned it sect is and so we can see the influence of jehovah jupiter in shaping the destiny of the new age of abe gentile lien races and one in which respected and commanded a great image to be erected in the plains of dura in the province of babylon and set a certain date for adoption and worship commanding in terms of penalty that all who did not fall down and worship this image were to lc be punished this image was to grow and become mighty in this early descriptive language in v which bich today is none other than our dollar backed up by a gold reserve for barter a medium of exchange metallic in nature but bestial in the hands of undeveloped souls who cunningly extract tribute money between the producer and consumer ron sumer a characteristic attitude of the plutocracy form of government when louled by the rich see definition of pluto in dictionary terms in language of astrology jehovah jupiter iter is the planet that is said to rule over the judge the lawyer the court of appeals the pi eacher priest doctor and medicine man the banker aar broker the humanitarian person the sh ekelman and of such that gak give W gifts to charities expansion 0 of f busi b ness enterprises or benevolent societies while pluto his brother dominates more oer the politan iian an the dictator the administrator the tax gatherer and the tank rank and file of all those thos e of the more selfish types and of such countries where the lock and key is a crime to pry open he rules over the dissipater desire and appetite passion and a jd regenerative organs of rebirth and is considered the keeper of the deo dead and a lot more a much different vibration than that of jupiter s ini influence luence thus do ve re see among us on all al sides both sides ides cf life expressing in effort to gain self awai awareness eness by the hare lav rf experience considered to be mans teacher this golden image symbol was to serve more as a medium whet eby man might be measured for his talents of worth to himself his nation and his advancement his knowledge and auntry ou in the value of his services to himself and his fello fellowman fel lowman vinan not so much in wealth and money but his wealth in knowledg knowledge ge and how to make use of Jehova hs gifts causly and live honestly with himself and his teighlor neigh lor this guage was to be mans god until by law of experience man might learn of the true god a god of spirit and not a oi god a god of light and not 0 darkness darene ss for pint attles the spirit of darkness and jupiter the god of geld but back behind all is the sun suit the light flaat liat dispels all darkness gloom and despondency and I 1 saw an angel st standing finding in the che sun and he criel with a loud voice saying to 6 all the fowls that fly in the midst of hea en I 1 i come 0 me and gather yourself together unto the supper of the great gol goj begin at varse verse 17 and read the remaining fourmy four more 0 of the lath chapter of 1 R revelations 9 all al of which is symbol 1 1 ical but bears witness of t the he later time autos kill 30 out of c every people in the united states each year |