Show THESE CHANGING TIMES DR CARREL BELIEVES for a bit of interesting reading we suggest the inter inte interview bew in the march issue of the american magazine wherein a noted doctor tells of his beliefs concerning the prolongation of life lie ire believes for example in the capacity of human beings to recreate themselves life he says begins the moment you make the effort at doity fifty or even sixty all we have to do is give what he calls the adaptive faculties a little exercise he further says when we lived without stoves and radiators our bodies delivered the internal heat necessary to carry us through the winter winte we were able to travel adot hundreds of miles without fatigue wei we developed llev eloped the ability to withstand hinder the qui quickness cui kness of af eye and limb to escape our enemies these faculties so vital to man are still within us dormant because they are unused and because they are unused we suffer in ho health alth we tire easily we lack energy ile he speaks truth in these statements and also in his reference to methods which deal in nonkey monkey glands gands and the like and which ate ahei i bunk as he says one day we shall tell dr carrel what nhat we think about i these things too ard and what we are I 1 doing here in this isolated part of a state so far removed from his center of activity and we shall also disprove his statement we shall never conquer death if we can prolong life and re recreate Teate ourselves avil what at is I 1 that but overcoming death something to think about and we hope you will read this interesting interview I 1 other interesting items are arc found in the march issue of the aquarian age concerning the so called mysteries r cs of life and one follows I 1 j there are invisible threads which connect us with every object which I 1 makes up our vib bibra ra eions are ever passing over these tase con sections bak backward ward and forward and circumstance and principle is exchanging messages with us the disi patches tat ches we me send are arc echoed bakin dup dull i cate quality love for loe loc i pain for pain henry wood mind is the taster master power that moulds and makes and man alan i is mind and evermore eve imore he takes the of thought and shaping what ho he wills brings forth a thousand joys a thousand ills he thinks in secret and it comes to pass environment is but his boking glass we may happen to be very dull folks you and L I 1 and probably are unless there is some particular reason to ti suppose the contrary but we get glimpses now and then of a sphere 01 of spiritual possibilities wl where ere we dull as we are arc may sail in vast circles round the largest 4 of earthly himes roses planted on one side of the fence bae ha e a delightful way of pushing branches thru tiie the palings halings and hanging sprays of blossoms ver over in the next yard lets ats cultivate the rose habit whatever I 1 is sweet and beautiful in it us share it as much as we can with others ariel our ideas and ideals ideal are arc made up from moving about we learn to be kinder from this one more tolerant filin that one and the fine example of someone ele elbe the handclasp of fri friends enIs is a touch of warmth and even the smile of a stranger is something we can make our own george M adams there is a reasonable rea degree of comfort within reach of all boimal persons ruth lang let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of god emerson emern self pity softens and weakens and ets bets down the barriers to all psych psychological 0 mi cibes to make yourself mind today is to do today what ahat tomorrow you will not regret having done |