Show tremendous OUS TRIFLES 83 c I 1 by ELMO SCOTT WATSON I 1 SHE WROTE A BOOK T APPEARED lEAKED AP first as a serial in an I 1 IT unimportant ne shaper in the na lional capital she was pal pail WHO for her story of some words a little better than a hundredth of a cent a word the first book publisher to whom she submitted her novel turned it down but in march iva boston company brought it out in two volumes the first edition and then a seed second d were exhausted within a month within six months she had received in royalties by the end of the year bawo copies had been sold for years it was an all american best seller and established a record which no other novel came near touching it has been translated into almost every language on earth the copyright ran out long ago but it Is still on the lists of more than a score of american publishers who sell about auw copies annually A play based on the book was produced in the summer of 1833 1853 and it ran for 77 years that Is it was always being performed somewhere during that time mostly by several companies it had bad the longest run in theatrical history although it is now admitted that the book was an exaggerated and distorted picture of the conditions which it portrayed it helped bring on the greatest civil war in history which cost over and took the lives of more than men the book was uncle toms cabin and the woman who wrote it was harriet beecher stowe |