Show sally aez y buying batoldo oa toldo products li Is like lik hoot lar far for the th wrong basket LETS lers PATRONIZE HOME BOMB INDUSTRY HEW pure preserves E X C E L C I 1 S BEAUTY SCHOOL ENROLL NOW learn modern beauty culture pleasant profitable work vork ex coldi known nationally offers offer roa a many advantages for free fr catalog giving fall all particularity particular it address BEAUTY SCHOOL HI so go W temple tempi salt lake lak city at utah oil 61 jerp refining service stations in utah and idaho YOU like hens like these BD owned ly by ezra ecce IS 18 ff P F tucker marray 12 mos moi 41 IS 25 R W clark am fork 12 mos moi at n V F I 1 perry provo 12 mos m ails 70 7 hens 12 months time Ave averitte ritze production 2836 eggs pr per bira per year average weight of f eggs over 25 26 ounces ounce per dozen in first yer of production profits profit depend on an production and production on breeding Breedl nc and nd livability the th blood of these ahle hah gh beas benj cows through ramshaw and gos chicks their sons lona and brothers red and other niale male birds of 0 the same blood lines bay hav headed our breeding breedlov breed loz flock docks for yesra white whit lea leaborne borns most molt heavy varieties Tar letle and sexed chicks A copy of our 1135 1935 price list hit and de scrip uve literature is I 1 youra your for or the asking RAMSHAW hatcheries salt lake lak city C C no lito GOS HATCHERY provo proto utah C C no 2206 fr pet pe week will be b paid lor for 3 j the best 60 1 word article on why you should hodle ass intermountain made mad goods good simbar to abom tate send your story in prow prose or r verso ten to intermountain products Prodoc tf column P 0 box 1655 salt ball lake lak city it II rw tora story appears in this ihli column you yoa will re r belvo check for or A week no isoa 2508 salt lake lair city PAN AMERICAN MUSEUM A pan american department large er M than any of its present depart ments menta and which will have physical equipment worth between and Is being established by loyola university new orleans A CHILDS LAXATIVE SHOULD BE LIQUID ask any doctor for your own comfort and for your you chil chilla childrens lF safety safely and future wel welfare fares you should read this the bowels cannot be helped t to regularity by any laxative that cant V be regulated regulate as to dose that is why doctors use liquid laxatives A liquid laxative can always b be taken in the right amount you can gradually reduce the dose reduced dosage is the secret of real and tofi reli relief from effrom constipation the right liquid laxative dose gives give the right amount of help when repeated instead of more each time you take less until bowels are moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all the liquid laxative generally used Is dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin it contains senna and cascara natural labat laxatives ives that form no habit even la in c hildren children its action is gentle but sure fure it will clear up a condition of biliousness or sluggishness without upset every druggist has il it afe ea we 0 SYRUP PEPSIN G NA N NASAL A S L I 1 irritation R R I 1 I 1 A T ON J aclus clus to coul bolce I 1 relieve Rel lieve the brynes ess and I 1 arri irritation on by applying ap pp ag at nohola th 1 night I bt and d m morning int MENT V IFF pains in back mrs MM hazel abel of 0 21 E M los lo vegas st Colo colorado radl AV springs colo said laid 1 I N was wa VC very rr badly rundown bad constant splitting plit tinz headaches and nd pains paini across th tha rei small email of 0 my bide back I 1 used dr pierces pierce favorite pros pr ills V and it helped to strengthen my system the th headaches haa daches and tho the pains disappeared 91 ud sold by druggists drog giata everywhere new size ize tablets so 50 cu liquid lima tiie size tabs tabi or liguid liquid writt dr pierces pierce comici buffalo N Y PARKERS HAIR BALSAM bagov clr impett color fadd beauty to groy gray lid and faded hair we coe ud d 1 M u hlo I 1 IC hi wan Y FLORESTON SHAMPOO ideal for or use to la connection with parkers hair bair the th hair boft rostand and fluffy GO 50 cents by mail oraid or bt daf 31 bilcox hiscox chemical works patchogue ron contons tons carnu an fn chicks hd bead all others most bucce sout poultry mea men hero here ubo out oaf 0 hick exclusively FEB blar adf lie mt lay to sept loc order now FONTANA FARMS HATCHERY WATCH YOUR KIDNEYS re be sure they properly cleanse the blood YOUR kidneys are constantly filtering fill L impurities from the blood stream but kidneys get function alar uy disturbed las lac in their work fall to remove the poisonous body wastes then you may buffer nagging b backache ac kache attacks of dizziness burning scanty beauty or too frequent urination getting up at night swollen feet and ankles rheu matla matle pains I 1 teel feel all worn out I 1 dont ewt delay for tho the quicker yon tou get rid of these poisons the better your chances of good health use doans plus pills doans are for the kidneys only they tend to pro moto normal functioning of the th kidneys should help them pass off the irritating poisons doan are ar recommended by users usera the country over get them from any druggist DOANS PILLS PILL W 8 is 1 n INSIDE information for indigestion or constipation the th teacup tea fa cup way garfield too tea acts promptly pla antl MILDLY not a cure all but certainly effective y in rel levine VI constipation all al drug storell o sst and ae FREE S SAMPLE AMPLE writs write tol to I 1 carfield Cariie ld tea cati dept 12 brooklyn HY MY GARFIELD TEA |