Show weeks supply of free Fre read the offer made by the company in another part of this paper they will send a full weeks supply of health giving tree free to tar anyone who writes for it ady constipation can we be helped use what doctors do why do the bowels usually move regularly and thoroughly long alter after a physician has given you treatment for constipation because the doctor gives is a laxative that can always be taken in ia the right amount you can gradually reduce the dose reduced dosage is the secret of real and soft safe relief from constipation ask your doctor about this ask your our druggist how popular liquid laxatives laxatives have become the right liquid laxative gives the right kind of 0 help and the right amount of help when the dose is repeated instead of more each time you take less until the bowels are arc moving regularly and thoroughly without any help at all the liquid laxative generally used is dr caldwelle Cal dwelTa dwells syrup pepsin it contains senna and cascara and these are natural laxatives that form no habit even in children your druggist has it ask for A SYRUP PEPSIN STO STOPPED PED UP NOSTRILS am diw to tocol COUL cw use to help open the josf nostrils ails and permit freer breathing gs PARKERS HAIR BALSAM benote bonote imparts impart color md and Beau beauty to graland gray md failed faded hair eu and 1 I n at R 1 ch wan put Pat hogu N T FLORESTON SHAMPOO ideal for uso la in connection with the hair soft and fluffy flatly 60 cents centa by mail or at agista chemical work patchogue NY prospective MOTHERS mrs lira E W rill hill of no ath st west provo utah said md dr pierces pierce favorite prescription I 1 Is certainly wonderful for expectant mothers before my mr MM little girl was irai born bom I 1 was feeling very weak I 1 the prescription and ald it helped to build up ray MY system yr I 1 experienced very little discomfort when baby came I 1 1 used the prescription follo following novt winz c childbirth hild birth md and I 1 toon soon retained my bonnal s tr eneth engh M now dia I 1 dabler CO 50 Is liquid start the day feeling Q f S litand ACTIVE TN dont doil lit let a 1 sluggish overcrowded system hold you back CLEANSE internally GARFIELD TEA garild of the wastes that and feel U log D fus nii dowe dg sod lii usually works within lllian I 1 to 1 bre MILD but A 1 litif SAMPLE 0 MI EI L 1 Z 41 W 4 35 WATCH YOUR KIDNEYS be sure they properly cleanse the blood YOUR kidneys are constantly III L terling bering impurities from tho the blood stream but kidneys get unction function ally disturbed lag la in their work tall all to remove the poisonous body wastes ther then you may suffer buffer nagging backache attacks of dizziness 1 7 burning scanty or too frequent tze urination getting up at night swollen teet feet and ankles rheumatic pains feel all worn out dont delay for the quicker you got get rid of these poisons the better your chances of good health use doans pins doans deans are tor for the kidneys only they tend to promote normal functioning of the kidneys should help them pass off the irritating poisons doans are arc recommended by users the country over get them from any DOANS DOAN PILLS PILL |