Show THIS WEEK IN HISTORY may 10 now new york banks stopped specie payment 1873 alsace lorraine ceded by france to germany as spoils of franco prussian W war ar 1871 may 11 czar of russia wounded by fanatic at kioto japan 1891 af minnesota in neota admitted to union 1850 may 12 tammany society formed in new york 1789 popular elec tiona of U S senators provided in in bill passed 1914 florence nightengale nurse born 1920 may 13 first british settlement in america at jamestown va 1607 american bible society organized in new york 1816 congress gave alaska civil government 1884 may 14 lewis and clarke started up mississippi to exmore western country 1804 convention assembled to draft U S constitution 1787 fall fahrenheit inventor of mercurial thermometer born 1686 may 15 famous confederate sea raider alabama launched 1862 1112 measure government by the people af pf p sed 1778 1779 may 16 lincoln nominated for preside presidency riby in chicago 1860 conscription s crip tion went into effect in confederate states 1862 may 17 first patent for reaping machine 1803 benjamin franklin Frank died 1790 P 0 money order system established 1864 may 18 st john N B oldest incorporated corp orated town in canada chartered 1785 panama canal opened for traffic i c 1914 peace conference assembled at the hague 1898 cherokee Chero koe strip added e d to oklahoma 1893 may 19 jeff davis imprisoned at fortress monroe va 1865 peace treaty between U S and mexico 1848 |