Show boys steal car sheriff makes arrest A car belon belonging ing to mr and mrs fills james eagar of ct shiprock Shi proA N ft fl was stolen saturday evening shortly after the couple coupe had arrived in monticello the sheriff was notified and went in search of the culprits abbit abo it 15 miles east cast of town near the W J long place the car ar was found where it had run out ot of go gas it later developed that the thieves had seen a truck approach app loach caching in and had il hidden lidden in the trees near the road rad later in the a mexican lexicon boy and white companion mere ere picked up by roger blake and party who were from a lance dance in the country tr v this pair is now charged with car stealing the Blex mexican ican boy being past juvenile age is lodged in jail he will be tried before judge barton this afternoon juvenile Juveni lf lp judge R owley rowley of prie is expected to be ir in monticello saturday to hear the ase of the younger boy both of the young men are said to have been into serious mischief before |