Show fr well named uve of a dress A rattery 2170 W Q 2170 AR here you are the soft wearable trench looking afternoon dress for or which fashionable women are searching exclusive shops yours for only a few yards of material and a few hours of enjoyable time the design la Is perfect combining a suck slick yoke and trim trial skirt with the softness of gathered bodice and flowing sleeves beeres le eres which may button below the belbow or be cut short dedicate colorings or subdued prints fit into the mood of the dress but it if youre a striking type you yon may select vivid tones any soft silk milk crepe or triple sheer her material will adapt itself to the design pattern 2170 Is available in sizes 12 14 18 16 18 20 SO 30 32 34 38 36 aa 40 and 42 size 18 16 takes 3 yards 80 inch fabric ted step by step sewing mewing Instruct instructions lons included send bead FIFTEEN CENTS in aias or stamps colna coins preferred for this pattern write plainly name ad drew and style number BE SURE TO STATU STATE SIZE address orders to sewing circle pattern department west sev entee nth street new york city I 1 a aw weeks beeles supply of free read head the offer made by the company la in another part of thu this paper they will send bend a fun weeks sup up ply of health giving free to anyone who writes for it ib the liquid test 0 see it ENDS bowel worries for many people this is a test that tells you whether the system needs a cathartic change if you have constant sluggish spells or bilious attacks and laxatives stent seeni to make things worse it would be bar wise to try this stop all use of any laxative that does docs not encourage variation from vp aled fixed dose which may be entirely too large a dose for your individual need use instead a liquid laxa laxatives that you can measure and regu regulated regul alfr later as to dose As necessary to repeat take lake smaller doses less and less often until the bowels are moving without any help at all doctors use liquid laxatives ana 10 a properly prepared liquid laxative containing natural laxative agents like senna and cascara is a joy and a comfort a real help in establishing regularity ask your doctor about this doctors use liquid laxatives you can get dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin which is a most dependable depend abla liquid laxative at any drug store S SYRUP PEPSIN asses aou E P Y F PUREBRED FLOWER S S E E D FLOWERS YOUR NEIGHBORS WILL ENVY dont take a back seat when it cornea comes to growing flowers plant ferlys ferrys purebred flower 11 ower seeds and your garden will be the envy of everyone in your neighborhood bo ho they are purebred seeds the offspring of generations of perfect plants 0 YOUK C acore STORE sells THEM IN FRESH DAT DATED PACKETS MANY ONLY ONIT ITCHING anywhere on tho the body also burning irritated skirt skin soothed and helped by resinol W 1385 IS 13 85 SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY radio for every room rooms baths elf HOTEL temple emple square V rates to 0 the hotel temple square has a highly desirable friendly atmosphere you will always find fand it immaculate supremely comfortable and thoroughly agreeable You can therefore understand why this hotel Is if HIGHLY recommended you can also appreciate why irs iff a mark of distinction to stop of this ahlf tuf host hostelry eiry ERNEST C ROSSITER alar mgr 16 |