Show I 1 LONG TO SHOW silo av UP UI JOHNSON 11 in a bitter verb verbi verbal I attar antl P tat t at barely y escaped f aistis proportions proper ions engral en iral I 1 both bolli 11 hugh S johnson denounced bluey long and rev charles V F i i coughlin of detroit as raging up and down the land preaching hotl not 11 construction but destruction n not ot re form but revolution not peace but a sword father coughlin has been kno known for I 1 the he past three years tor for his radio exposes of the chicanery and corruption in business and polities politics the kingfish King tish buic quickly kly retaliated with the sta statement that he would woul cover the case of johnson and the dd wreckers from wall street in a broadcast speech thursday night tonight he called johnson the el c dictator a screwdriver the hands orf of bernard M baruch the power behind the throne while this bomb shell may be ne news nee e to the public it has been known in certain quarters fo for r several years that johnson has been merely the henchman man friday and ex front for the under evver over dictator to three presidents |