Show TRAFFIC conditions of today are aptly described in the second chapter of 0 nahum the chariots shall be with flaming torches s in the days of his preparation the char lots shall rage in the streets they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways thy shall seem like torches they shall i run un like lightning Is it natural to suppose that such an ever increasing pace can keep up indefinitely numerous scientists have warned us that man has about reached the limit ages ago we were told that then shall be great tribulation such suc as was not since the beginning of the world to this time no nor ever shall be according to the pyramid s symbolism we have passed thru the shortening of the days and have entered into the last period of chaos on may 29 1928 will durant philosopher offers consolation to those who interpret the pres present nt chaos as the death rattle of american Amei ican civilization asked Is amerens Amer Ame cas reas civilization dying mr durant derant replied impossible we any then he be encouragingly predicted that the united states may achieve civilization a century or so following economic recovery but h he say when economic 1 recovery cov would be e fully achieved so in what century we shall attain civilization ony time can tell anyone who speculates in real estate ought not to enjoy the general respect of his fel fell ownien every I 1 man has a right to a homestead he can call his own but ahn he invests in land for a profit he be is cheating somebody out of his birthright and somebody has to slave for his unearned profit but that Is business it |