Show department I 1 mrs stay may hurst burst has returned from froma provo where a serious operation she Is much inisi improved roved and around riale aaen I 1 I 1 t W mr aid mrs airs B bill III shepard Sli epard are entertaining a brother til other of burs bills wife 4 dan DAIL hayes hay ea and preston coston v vere ere here for rr fora the ali los hips pital at it ICa yenta I 1 the serem several I 1 A J jurors brors who were called from her wire were disappointed by not betas being taken all were notified they were needed this term ot of court the primary festival was well attended ani and many pj pennies annies came in as usual on the hospital drive which they institute each year dr I 1 M colin made a trip to isalt lake to confer confer with the state board of dental examiners where he obtained a temporary license to practice r A very narrow escape was waa had iby by f little keith black last week wf us he was wag a knocked under the car of 0 miss closes cl rainier palmer the car fortunately berit we went over his body without any of the he h wheels touching him wa ills bruises were re not serious ser lofts ann jones was the honored guest gues at a party given as a surprise sur prize by a number of friends honoring honi hoW oring her birthday those present were mr and mrs ara am sir and mrs its floyd nielson sir and sirs mrs ed galbraith sir air and sirs mrs kd ed ste tens mr and mrs lynn thompson the altair affair you have been waiting forthe for tor the bis big at bluff saturday night april 21 be there Tryo ilta for the eleanors Glea nors and SI 31 7 sien men in public speaking and retold story were held tuesday night tom acre won the speaking and aurella carroll in the retold story vint lyman by no competition in the retold story for the vanguards Van guards forum club was entertained at the home of wro mrs alma jones mrs paul black gave an interesting lesson on fordal the activity committee CO presented some good questions to the girls tor for their thedr annual Bl mothers others day party sirs mrs jones served a delicious luncheon to the following mrs joe rainier palmer mrs nay day young youn mrs lilas kartchner mrs pearl balaes mrs its harold buitt mrs arvin Guy Gi iyman inan mrs fronk frank redd I 1 mrs paul black mrs francis jones mrs elgin oliphant Oll and mrs bits grant bayles editors tors note we were billed lil led to condense this weeks reeks blanding news as much as pos siMe ns as it came just before we went to press |