Show LIVESTOCK MEN OPPOSE processing TAX IN TELEGRAM the lie following folli wins telegram tel eKram la Is self ex 17 ciJi atory cattle ten men beel eel that their business 4 stand f a processing tax nt at tills this time rt it Is very 0 in n san jivin county henry A wallace secretary 0 of agriculture washington D C there Is a a ery unsettled teelin cattle growers and cattle feet feeders due t to uncertainty over cattle program mill procession pro cessin asing taxes we ve haie hae wired vireil chester Cl iester davis 1 that a meeting lie called in chicago before the end of 0 to work orl out de we think important that an official binl statement lie ile immediately mediately fin released fis asto aln what steps will ivill lie be taken particularly with reference to tile processing tax we are counting on testimony given by you before committee that there oaid ile no processing tx tax until cattle cattie were letter better able to stand it we believe ahalt should lie worked w out on such basis that when price bricea i have recovered ree a small tax tat spread over it a period of years would repay any necessary advin ices from two hundred million dollar unil fund we are certain that nothing no thins you could tild ilo 10 lo in this emergency would so far restore confidence conri dence in the casttle industry an aa as plain statement alons along tile the lines suggested above extended ia serrations ser rations lons and many contacts with corn belt feeders lead me to belleve believe long lone time plan as sue ted will meet with instant stint in favor it if hos processing tx tax was only fifty cents to tili lay based on oil long term plan thus es shins price to producer alx dollars Clil rapo the morale of the entire industry raould ile be tremendously improved american national at ional livestock association by Cl charles harles I 1 H collins president |