Show BLANDING friday tile a daughter was born to sir mr and sirs irs W A burnham li heber carroll has commenced work on all liis ills new home tue Tiie day about si 35 members ot of the rales bales family amily attended the reunion at bluff today Is tile the last day on which tile the government overn ment agents will tiny liny cattle catt lein in th this is locality todar anil and saturday for typhoid is helne being done in tile the relief society building buil dine this servi service cels Is tree free to all applicants work on tile seminary building has lieen firc progressing gressing rapidly the build ine binl located just west of the hl hisch li school la Is built under tile the direction i ot at frank hurst the relief society presidency en cn officers anil and class leaders nt at the home of nf mrs clara J nielson Ni elgon the vale time was spent discussing femc for the winter in tile warn ward hall tile annual mothers and daughters program was ivas held A large lare crowd enjoyed a fine program followed follow ej DY by games and dancing ins weston bayles who hn has leen been at bendin I 1 at the northwestern university in fit coleazo li iq l i spending his vacation with relatives and friends i here tre relief society work maetina was held tuesday an aw 14 th two quilts were put together and a class was held for or youns young mothers twelve troughs at the ruins springs avid and six troughs in the spring lack ack of the fhe ah earine pens pen have been installed install eil to cath the water tor for tile the use ot of sheep and cattle under the direction of delbert Dellier fc redd lust last saturday saw the completion nt tile pipe line which begins at the head of recapture and extends for about a anil mile to t the heaver deaver dams above camp Jac jackson lison A ranse range control fence beginning at the top of ri mountain the ot of which videll was under the direction of george hurst lias has been completed the fence b built of pa poles lea extends extend 2 miles A large iare crowd of isan junn juan high school graduates attended the annual alumni lance dance held last wit wil bur rowley president of the alumni tr for tle the past year was succeeded liy by karl lyman other kotlier officers ou acers elected were vere kartchner first vice pres dres ident vernice washburn Was liburn harris sec and nd lice fee president ila iia elit decre tary treasurer lucy narris mirris cheer eader and dorothy laws reporter saturday the alth members ot of the adams family attended the first reunion at bluff A watermelon teed feed at the whalen ranch was ivas followed by a swim nt at the pon pond george adams was elected president of the filmily organization oi ernest adams secretary secre secretary iary john 11 adams temple worker anil and V I 1 T J adams lloyd adams anil and donald adams financial committee thru the RA help blandin andins in may in the near future pet get a new iron pipe water system to replace the old wood en ell pipe tile now in use the government will furni sli about 23 2 3 of the money if ft will furnish urnis li the ret or alli 0 11 t 5 0 10 tills this Is a reat great opportunity for the people and we should all cooperate and help siador harris put this pro je eject c t thru 0 |