Show I 1 W 0 M 2 D D A m 17 PEI R OU R I 1 lilai it i hy by P HOME 0 C INCON rarer pres yant an arica 1 re da tiers hers assac i an I 1 HE post most constructive action that I 1 A asi be ba tren toward bringing I 1 favit t greater stability in our cur I 1 1 1 Is the develop of nf a more bl balanced arced i i e 1 in the films of it N i ell all of it cut per V e in rw 1 l M t jhc thc li lt P 1 bic n saving hiving Z a i n 1 I 1 I 1 4 IN ff thare Is in 0 r B e I 1 1 practical wo r ni la be in 41 t the h e pan antei tence ico I 1 save sti c dureg pro plot p c P ritaj ati so ni to he be a able ble to ID abul hil de bession mes ii asian sion than ln in a whole ab nb library full of charts and babici end t boal bonks s in feal economy 1 I do 10 not it Is 13 au an dream to about nii an ern of 0 nire ni re savins and biond irs g on oil ill tha part of 0 cur iopu jone it Is not net to change tle 11 e habits i f the it ls hrs been done in many lines thir alia habits hils ot of our nur leonle 1 flave loeu loen improved aa and 1 tle the health ot of tile the nation promoted in many ways anis by corsi consistent stent programs ot of c slid end education that fiat lae brought about lic titer hy byg benl enl ui and practices the medical profession laa lia has as virtually banished the ot of some bonie dis I 1 eases cages by persistent intelligent IntellI Zent cam of 0 preventive sanitary acas i ures slid and inoculations requiring now nov understandings new habits among many millions of 0 our people also a large arga part of this evolution of 0 public health improvement has naturally developed through the intelligent advertising of many products that have to do with bodil caro care I 1 refer to the manufacturers and distributors distri buters of such things as more healthful shoes mure more effective toothbrushes food pro products duetS with more wholesome wholes oina values of nutrition and countless other practical ideas that have become commonplaces of our dally daily business life and that have become a part too of the very texture of the personal habits anil and health ol of great masses ot of our people I 1 it it has been good advertising and good business for or so many ot of our nai dional producers to spend millions cl hollars dollars thus to inculcate new habits of 0 personal hygiene and personal care ts is it not good bushi business eza and good adver ader using for or our banking interests to Is lay clu similar illar stress during the next nem period ot of prosperity upon better financial habits and customs ol of our people bankers above all are interested in table stable wholesome business they I 1 have much to gain by a state 0 of sound financial ancial health among the people and most to loso lose by epidemics of econ economic onite maladies such as have swept the coun conn try during the past two ye jears ars i 1 i 1 i 1 |