Show t FARM t alpi IT U NIS M KEEPING TAB ON AGES OF CHICKS good reasons why matter Is important the question may arise in the minds of some us as to why it Is necessary to be able to jell tell the differences to la ages of pullets the answer Is that when it Is time to put tile the pullets tn in the laying house bouse there ore are some are not worth keeping these should be sorted out and it Is well to keep all of the same age and development by themselves the earliest maturing pullets are usually ally the best ones if pullets of all ages are allowed to run together on range it will be impossible to tell the difference between tw een the slow developing ones of the earlier hatches and the fast grow ing ones of the later hatches amy a such birds are not all of the same va value lue and should not be placed tn in the same pen unless pedigree hatching and breeding are done and all chicks banded sue such h pullets cannot easily be told a part they can easily b be 0 marked by toe punching or slitting the webs between the toes by using different com combinations it Is a very at simple m ale matter to know definitely the oges ages of the various pullets |