Show S SUMMONS IN TUB TIIE SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OP OF THE STAT STAI OF 01 1 UTAH WITHIN AND FOR SAN JUAN COUNTY the federal rec leial land bank of derk eley elcy a corporation plaintiff vs charles dailies Dar lies also known knon as charles dames barnes J jr 1 I 1 vio 30 known w is clias Barnes and 1111 lilly E dames battles his wife ire the monticello national farm faim loan As association socia llon a corporation suc cessor to the pwe national Nae lonal farm loin Asso clatYon augusta a aloiv bert belt galloway aunill er C Y doonan anor L kin as trustees tri tiu istee s for tile the gwei knoll it nall oil and gas co a defunct first doe second doe and third doe defendants THE STATE OF U UTAH all TO THE SAID defendants you are aie hereby summoned sumin Ged to appear within twenty days after the service bof of this summons upon you ou it if served tile alie county in which tills this nc alon ilon Is brought otherwise within thirty lays days after servile and defeno defend the above entitled alon and in ease case of your failure so 0 to do judgment will till be rendered lend ored against you accord accordine Inz to te the demand d mand of the complaint which tins lias been nied ed with alth tile ilia bleik cler k of c r bald all co cobit urt this notion action Is brought to recover lecover ai a decree foreclosing plaintiffs ni mort 0 rt gaze upon tile the land described in eald complaint RICHARD AV r F y B HAi IMOND attorneys for foi the tha plaintiff Plaint lT P 0 address rolfie bicell ti cell utah first pub oct 29 last nov 26 |