Show ot COMMERCE PICNIC nc MST big time promised for all everybody invited devil canyon at 8 pm OUR washington LETTER by national E editorial d Ao association special to tile san jum juall record washington july 22 pictures Ilc tures ot of a man doing simple chores about ta farm farin have stirred the pulse of politicians I 1 and voting citizens because public opinion Is always colored b imagination and inference the latest stunt of calvin coolidge has captivated 1 I the peoples fancy caney it may hav been a coincidence that the file former president all should id come out of the ou shades of retirement at the lie same tinia ills successor was at swords points with all news distributing agencies the contrast of coolidge cooledge patiently posing foi or two hours for appreciative news camera men iu in the pose about aboud the haystack and country store propaganda that helped elect him in 1924 and mr air hoover at loggerhead with tile photographers and ad newa gathering gi groups coups Is something well calculated to stir the he interest of pra pr ideal men antL women tills this incident may do more to recast public relation polices of the Pies president ident than a long drawn warfare with the press the cheerful grin of ills former cornier e chief standing on the sidelines side lines cintr intrigues i gu LS tile the politicians but may well vex ves and mortify mr hoover coolidge ha never been out of of the E 1 picture the democratic leaders have conceded that coolidge Cool lilge is a reul threat to their hopes in 1932 19 2 for lie has h standing in with ith the country that cannot be discounted another matter il littel that adds to the presidents dents ti travale v in Is the lie recent publication icat 1711 of political anecdotes conce illing ills his alleged negotiations willi the late franklin lane of tile llie in under wilson and franklin roosevelt tjien then assistant Secie tary of the ravy navy a deal for tile the denio demo bratle nomination either in ili 1920 or four years later liine lane is lead dead and roosevelt Is today a candidate for the same nomi nation the argument advanced in political quarters la Is that it il Gover governor roosevelt keeps silent the spread of tho story will weaken hoove hoovers I 1 influence ini with his own party especially esp e R the militant group which has opposed him because they consider him a democrat bearing their party parly label without wan mariant wa ant casting doubt on tile the chief executives political i antecedents if al allowed loed to go ancon I 1 may play havoc with pled of delag ates at the national republican convention next nel year the 1 harsh reality of it all Is that even myths myth if tin exploded sway multitudes in their voting the fedei federal al farm b board loa na Is oab independent government agency that cannot close flown down or run in ili during the hot spell it is operating full force for its existence Is at stake in the wheat price controversy the midwest mid west legislators who fo steren sterei the board are now at odds with ohp boards policies under political pressure from their wheat gt growing constituents veteran democratic leaders are not balkina ban kina on incipient rebellion in those these states stales chere the llie republicans public ans have been in pt power iver they realize that criticism of today seldom I 1 reaches e ackies the point of rei revengeful vengeful fotini for real or fancied wrongs a few months hence true there Is ati ait occasional protest vote but this Is recorded in congressional elections rather than on presidential tie tickets liets especially in ili the middle west it is in ili flip he thickly populated industrial centers where the present minority party lop hop to muster now new strength in 1932 because city folks are not sticklers klers for fi traditional party loyalty loyally the tl 0 numerous presidential alons appointed during the past tw two oars CRIS arp it temporarily i herp here lias has heen been little public discussion of atif tle bonim commissions I 1 ss tons with the exception 1 of nf the so calleta dicter Wic ter aliani investigating law enforcement A good ume and a big time Is in store for all those who come to tha san juan county chamber of commerce mer c e basket picnic c at devils devil a c canyon a nyon saturday august the picnic la Is open lopen to all and all are invited men women and children come one come coma all it will be a big time the chamber Is for all and is 13 out to do all that it can for sari san juan county and to do all that it t can to 10 anake nake the county more prosperous president deat wayne H redd of the tha chamber says that he hopes every person in san juan county will be ba eliere at 8 and that lie he la is sure they will all have a good time district attorney fred H keller has haat accepted the job as master of ceremonies and while fred is a bit bash 1 I 11 ul about ills his talents as such a personage we all know that lie he can keep filings lings ti moving aud and that there wilt will be no lull dull times it will be a good time for all to get together and set get acquainted and tol talk over the problems tha we have hava as a county and what can be lone dona about them the chamber officials want the help and advice of all and jilts his Is a fine way to meet them and talk things over san juan jihan county can do many things that will malo lier her more prosperous and help her people and organized effort will do it A big crowd should be present that evening and enjoy a real picnic and take part in the discussion but all livell be welcome just the same |