Show BEEHIVE STAKE SWAM off successful EVEV EVENT s V athe the annual swarm day odthe of the sapi juan uan stake bee hive gail girls beld h eld last i i saturday at verdure brought to successful and happy happ Y close the ac allies fo the year athe the weather man provided an ai ideal may Y day for the event about 75 p people pie including bee hive girls par 20 leets ts stake and Dju trial officers g gathered hered to enjoy the program which hia had been carefully prepare prepared gibe the lunch hour was one of the high spots ot of the day an abundance ot of delicious food was served to all gathered e around one large table ice i cream was provided by bv tle the stake board b r d toasts and songs were also a feature f of the lunch hour each ward composed one verso verse to the tune of 1 catch the sunshine and the stake 1 bo board ard composed a song to the wards mildred d bick BI ck monticello bee hiva gl girl graciously toasted stake arf arsi si i 1 det dent wayno wayne 11 II redd and the moab gir girls is gave a toast tobe to the bee keepers after lunch each ward gave an or original g inal stunt song which they had coi composed posed and led in a game |