Show wa 6 ACTION OF ALLIES TURKISH settlement COMES AFTER THE UNITED STATES DECLINES MANDATE declares that france would have been willing to hand over cililla if americans had Desi desired reid to accept responsibility I 1 ondon london replying Ro cepl plying ing to criticism of 0 tile governments foreign policy by herbert eibert II 11 II asquith premier lloyd lloid georg leoise on oil mat maich oil 25 gave gae a de detailed explanation of the turkish settlement the prowler said it would have been it blunder to have hae settled tile ibe turkish problem without giving the lie united states tile the most ample opportunity to decide whether vliet liei it would accept it 11 mandate because it would lune have given rise ilse to suspicions that great britain Bilt alii and france were taking advantage of the lie political dissensions in the united states to divide the whole of turkey lurke between themselves it was as only when hen america n bitely refused refuse the mandate tint that we proceeded plot ceded without her hei mr air lloyd llod george declared ousting 0 of f sultan inadequate the llie pre inter said the proposal propos nl to oust the sultan had biad been rejected wi ns inadequate because it left the question of the government eo eminent of constantinople undecided and the allies were anxious to end the suspense and responsibility of tile administration of constantinople with regard to armenia tile hie pre niler continued continue france would have been willing milling to land to the united states it if the latter had ae ac cepter the mandate up to the present we ftc hive have only re celled requests questa le from america to pro hect armenia without tiny any offer to assume responsibility mr lloyd llod george said we hope france will undertake the responsibility but it Is much to ask considering all the burdens france already has advice for america the pre niler contended that it was quite Impo impossible sIble for england to send armies to keep order older in armenia and asia minor england would do her utmost to exert pressure in constantinople to secure good treatment tor for christians lie he asserted but was un able to accept a wider responsibility the llie armenians Aimon Armen lans ians are nn an exceptionally intelligent people and must begin to depend on themselves for the krotec tion alon of their independence mr lloyd george sald said adding that he understood they could easily raise an army 0 of f men |