Show watch repairing should not be entrusted to an ordinary mechanic you will save money by having the work done dona by experts send your watch to us by registered mail it will be returned to lo you promptly in perfect condition BOYD PARK rouM fit MAX MAKERS ERS OF JEWELRY MAIN KM STREET SUT SALT ME LAKE ct cm I 1 AM GLAD TO ENDORSE PERU PE RU NA maj 3 I 1 arm glad to try anything was in a three 3 years ara ago my system was in a terribly run u do dmn wn con and I 1 was broken out lill all terribly 4 over ever my body I 1 began beean to be worried about my condition and I 1 run do down was klad glad to try anything which wa would neutie me peruna ws was recommended to nit ine as aa a fine condition blood remedy and tonic and 1 oon eoon found that it was worthy 4 of D f kratse A few bottles nicka I my condition materially and in a 88 layco st menasha Mc nasha wis short time I 1 was va nil all over my secy Lieder kranz miss leopolds trouble I 1 owe my restoration to lutter appo to conveys in n no un health and strength to IJ reruns eruna bertah way wo the ha gratitude she ane I 1 azu am klad glad t to eder it I 1 feels fr 11 runa sold I 1 liau liquid 1 and ad tablet form some of the lie stones that hint dont roll dont gather muss mos because others use them for stepping stones the class that Is 19 not out ont for business lins has no busin business esq to be out carloa lawrnnce loft I 1 e AL 0 hurt hartl I 1 lift touchy corns and calluses kalluses cal luses ri right ht off with fingers J apply a few drops of Free zone upon that old bothersome corn instantly that corn stops hurting then shortly you lift rt it right off root and all without pain or soreness hard corns soft corns coris corns between the toes and the tha hard skin calluses kalluses cal luses on bottom of feet lift ift right oh bo tiny honki of zut but a few rent at druz drus slam such bilings ns ag conic come to the man who alts are seldom the things lie hns has been waiting for record lie ile who hns has lost nil all confidence can lose nothing diore an abie beverage a real part of the meal mea not merely something methin so something to foz dr drink ink with your food POS UN I 1 if you feel that something inter interferes with your health stop tea and coffee and use this popular drink dr in k theres meres a reason to no raise in price made reby ly cereal company battle creek Mich michigan ifan |