Show OF LOCAL INTEREST WEEKLY WEATHER REPORT zate date max minn pro pc C char july 31 83 PO PC aug 1 82 56 00 PO PC 2 84 58 00 PO PC 3 8 84 52 00 PC 4 85 52 00 PC 5 86 52 00 PC 6 85 56 00 PC 11 H E E BLAKE W voluntary ty observer ward palmer aad wife accompanied mrs magnus mrs palmers halmers Pal mers mother to the railroad on her return home after spending a month in monticello mrs airs dieber trost accompanied clarence and son melvln melvin to cortez monday last returning with dr spearman that evening R L wilkin dropped in from durango I 1 this morning lip he says that tha there theire may be something doing with yath tho the boulder oil well in the near fu ture fure C A frost was brought over from dodge point tuesday to be closer to medical attention mr air frost froit has iocco in very poor health for some time past pasi county commissioner leonard K jones jonca returned horns home from the salt lake hospital sunday lust last after having spent a month recuperating e from an operation 1 v guy eagleberger made a bu bushier sines trip to grand junction the feigt 01 ol the week lie he was accompanied by bj mrs eagleburger Eagle beiger and the baby they along for an outing i lloyd perkins pel kins dropped infirm n from santa barbara calif califa the first of the week ona visit to his father D B perkins ile he will leave again for california by the end of the nv week q acus williams and wife on their return from a trip to tone park paik from trenton mo stop stopped bcd ever sunday here t to 0 visit mis airs J jas as lilly I 1 1 white who ls is a niece cf mr air williams ams 9 1 cleber frost and leo frost came in from mcnary arizona tuesday bringing one of their teams fearns back in a truck leo retained to arizona ki leonn I 1 this morning but hopes to comeback within a short time I 1 roy mooney anil and allie a young couple aron over the line in in colorado Coloia do came here yesterday yet erday aborn rooming and procured a marriage license lienol they united in the lioy holy bonds fay by justice 11 II lloyd reports from mancos state that a flow of gas gaa with a live oil showing his has been encountered in the second well drilled on the gfaller properties I 1 this side of man mancos s and that cillien oil cil men vien becoming excited hoyez oyez over the biros i rosare peces mrs airs R S st cavart accompanied by mis at rs F S spearman and son s an frank left for a months visit to her hep old home in missouri sunday morning last mis airs aiman arnan ant and son n will stop in lewa where they will ivill visit at their old home until they reuah sheriff Sli criff christensen made a trip to montrose Monti oso colo last week he attended the preliminary pie minar y hearing bearing of bob Spi adling recently arr arrested c oscr in colorado Coloia do on a charge c arge of cf hoi horse so stealing the accused was bouhl bouni ver to the higher court and plaice under 1000 bonds for his appearance kail hart butt and family passed through dove bove creek tuesday night on their return acme after having at it tended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of mrs mis butts parents mr air and mrs P M shumway Shun iway at banding all of the Shu shumway chialdi n in number were cresent at l lon ion together with sonic some sevi other relatives rea tives and guests 1 E Z black stockman to the ute indians had a bone to pick with the editor he says that on account of the publicity given the recent conviction of vicente velarde Vc laide for selling liquor to an indian other bootleggers whom he had hyped to became teary and refused to bell his detective any white mule |