Show COSTS MORE TO KNOCK OUT FALSE TEETH teen I IN GERMANY walter takes poke at fellow em cloye and finds out something about law rerun berlin when phera an employee in her ber ati uri feels annoyed by byl a fellow worker to the point where lie he cannot resist taking a poke at him with his fist he really ought to make sure whether thi the other titan man lias has false teeth or real ones it if they are false it nay may cost him anore amore lini it they hopen li open 6 be hitt r A waiter in one bf the larger beer restaurants in neilan hit knotter waiter the blow rammed ahall a half dozen doen arl artificial ath town ahls throat the oiva owner r discharged tile alie nt at ing vl niter tilter ali was uns aware of a law ro re hillring lill ring four with fill pay when illen on nn employee therefore ho demanded he receive tile the four v j erlis behs imy 1111 irid ind so instituted croci procured ed ings before the labor court of berlin in his defense tile the restaurant owner owners called attention lon to a certain paragraph of the law alint provided for the dla nilamal of an employee without notice a lien hen it could he shown that the employee lind hild wilfully dat damaged tinged any material object which was the property of a fellow worker the court ruled in effect that had the teeth been real the alia owner woi would 1 ld have been requited required to t give notice inasmuch as the law says nothing about bodily injuries but because the teeth were wera false they thereby constituted a material 0 object and Vie therefore the employer was ft wholly holly within his lights in dismissing the man as bellid he did |