Show lump ay I 1 states awake to needs of beauty on highway in the past qi qt larter of a century new roads have destroyed the beauty of picturesque country sides all attention hns has been given to utility and none to beauty while highways have made the forests find and open country available to millions of people they have probably done more than anything else to destroy the attractions of the country through which they the pass and close on the heels of tile the road builders come the outdoor dilver using companies with their hideous billboards in ia tho the next nest 25 years rears highway construction st ruction doubtless will continue at a rapid rate but in all probability special emphasis ivillee will ivill be pla placed cedon on b beau eau A highway commission will no longer be allowed to cut through a beautiful section of country and leave that part which la is most notice able to travelers defaced with sears scars jand broken ground the problem has already been taken up in a number of 0 f the states new nev jersey plans to replace each tree removed in widening its roads with two new trees con 1 neati e ut has undertaken to plant rambler roses woodbine and honeysuckle vines over oer newly graded slopes massachusetts Is credited with having set et out GOOW trees along its state is highways michigan and indiana pt plant evergreens ever greens along their roadways ays and a 11 similar practice has been adopted in ili california ca lifo rula washington post |