Show benefit of home owning the new home Is not unlike tile the first watch possessed by a small boy the watch la Is probably of the one dollar variety bought by some thoughtful uncle or father with the lie thought that hat I 1 it would probably crash on the sidewalk within a few days but the mental et ef feet of that watch upon the boy Is not in ratio with its intrinsic value now lie can tell people what time it Is now he Is an important person lie ha has i i become somebody how flow much more does home owner ship mean to the average grownup grown up boy lie ile Is somebody in ills community from rom the moment he moves into this home of his own ile he Is consulted about the new street paying paving and begins to take an interest in other civic matters the new home hame has bits aroused his ego it ha him a better belter citizen in the community in which he lives atas it Is a marl mark of thrift washington post |