Show WET HOPES tivit Denin democrat crat c victory is accepted hii quae te generally as a in nide to and thi ali 5 state legislatures ta leppal ion hut but as to how locq on a process that will nill 10 19 iff I ff r fa maieli PS ns ors on prohibition itself there aro ardent drys who still argue that repeal will never armp can ip uld ardent wets who contend it can be abc acc hed within a year vear the arma who alio if i said paid to have taken his cufr to the post of offa fc for beer to tc day after election elef tion took some curbstone politician literal literally lv and those who expert beer and the nw nav president to be inaugurated the same day are a little too optimistic perhaps there is i tile he barest possibility that congress in the short session beginning bea ber inning next week will modify the act to permit the sale of beer and that some of the state legislatures lasures la tures will repeal their state enforcement as acs it all depends on oil the lame ducks repeal of the eighteenth amendment could be accomplished in a few months if there were no hitches bitches in congress and the state ratification proceedings it must be remembered i tl that at prohibition did not become effective until more than two years after the amendment was submitted to congress largely overlooked is the fact that before the sever several al states will take action on repeal they will formulate sub limion h buor control plans and that all plans will tate lengthy debate here azain again nn inions range all the way from fay favoring oring the return of the old saloon to state prohibition |