Show trap for rats catches two cats dog goose kingston N 0 1 I rats threatened to exterminate his flock of chickens so malachi Mala clil berry set it a trap on successive nights he caught tile the family cat a stray log dog a neighbors cat a goose out after hours berry threw the trap in a corner of the barn and the next night rats killed the rest of his chickens sally ses ap 60 0 0 0 Is I 1 times time we hope hop will bl be affected by the atie men who are an elected 50 but for loma how prosperity yi th bt beat tood rood honie boma ludw 1 LETS lers PATRONIZE IT HEWLET islanders the onas an italian tribe ol of tierra del fuego off the lower ower tip of south america erica are th the only is landers in the world who have ile never or built owned or used a boat in all their history colliers weekly ASK DRUGGIST ITO FOB X AGAR L LAX A X AN intermountain PRODUCT household hint errant husbands may ie be won back says a color expert by changing the wall paper even wiser perhaps would be taking a bridegroom directly to the interior decorator to bo be matched Detroit news THIS WEEKS PRIZE STORY when planning int for dy DAY ITI hi this makes roe ins grateful li I 1 I 1 can accuro ra all 11 things thine at t home hoim to make a aty plateful our forms and nd local 6 ps supply each little need fro from the turkey to the dish hes lie on for a bounteous annual feed RU RUTH T 11 coulsen rOU LSEN perk park city utah in UTAH WOOLEN MILLS trade for BLANKETS your salt lake city utah wool excellent valets send for or birth registration registration of births is bel believed levea to have been inaugurated by thomas cromwell in 1622 1522 but the tha statistics concerning registration are of a comparatively modern date the first registrar general was appointed in 1836 JOSEPH WM TAYLOR inc leading morticians funerals on tims time payment plan if so desire 1 salt I lau ill city utah 2 plum 2001 w as 3 2 a great whale catch the largest whale ever caught was killed off Discover discovery 7 inlet near the bay of whales was feet long and yielded barrels of oil valued at about cirp GASOLINE packed with power how about talk oversleep is as harmful as overwork a lecturer on health tells us but ho he might have added deaths from either have been very rare of late topeka capital GRAINS OF GOLD THE WHOLE WHEAT CEREAL makes hakes cream taste better western made for western trails trade ask ak your grocer determining trees age the age of a living tree is determined ter mined by an increment borer an instrument specially designed to cut out of a round cylinder about the size of a pencil from the center to the bark baik on which the rings can be ba counted london scendy more than each year in public services dc ff per week will wl 11 be paid tor ir tl he b 11 w T M on why rob houll as an Inter muti mida ad good similar to lo aho bov HI your story in prose to in brodt cin P 0 box 1555 salt lake city if it your 1 ir y appear in n this ehlt 1 rr column no its will re rl 1 1 11 chick check for far W N U sit lake city wk no 1348 |