Show PRINTE D MATTERI I 1 I 1 printed pieces pre prepared jared by us head straight for the desk at home and a at t the office instead of the waste basket by reason of the excellent jaress work clean and attractive aa layouts choice of type faces and stock your message assumes the I 1 importance necessary to get it on the desk of any official at factory or office and on the desk of the housewife atheme at home try us next time you have work sank dumn record monticello utah NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior general lind land office at salt lake city utah tuie juie 25 1932 19 2 notice alce Is hereby pit en that sarah na M johnson of lockerby utah who en cn july 17 1916 brado entry no for suii SE seii see sec 19 NGi NEi L section 20 fown 13 south ranso range 26 est east salt lake has tiled filed lic tice of intention to mahe eina e final proof pi bof t ti establish palm to the land above de s i before the clerk of tb ohp dis wet ccarl at motif Moti monticello allo cello util utah on oil the ah dl day of jut claimant names av a witnesses 11 II IT butt II 11 jay ret reap s n georgc r TM v and herbert all of lockerby Loc kerb utah ELI r TAYLOR register first publication june 30 lit list publication july 23 subs subscribe ribe for the record NOTICE all DO dop S found without license tle tag on and after july 21 will be picked up and shot by order monticello town board t ON L ja A aisy k W wv r 71 ii brafa M RN rm n lal I 1 api E aa zy figr ocl VAT nt value ia 4 VV N this beautiful RAZOR SET free T with every yearly subscription payment IS low diew or old OK I 1 we will give one olie of these sets I 1 REE FREE while our limited supply 1 ats 0 in 1 C ii ditl 0 1 1 avii WW W Y W ph 11 x avit N op 0 30 0 0 00 C 15 D 0 00 D 00 As advertised d 59 0 0 0 00 TIE hero ra is ip a phrase with which shoppers are becoming anol more e and more familiar As advertised these words are full of meaning placed with stacks or heaps of merchandise CO they announce plainly for foi all to see here 1 col are the goods we promised you exactly as they were described a in our advertisement such merchandise is dependable ca pen dable its quality is fully vouched couched for by the manufacturer 00 fac who made it and by the store or dealer who is 15 now offering it to you 00 00 As it is advertised so it is experience proves this to be true the advertisements in this newspaper are 0 0 sincere messages to you from the most progressive merchants who affix their signatures to attest to the correctness of every statement made in his advertisements the advertiser expresses the sound soundness iless of his entire business policy 0 OD read the advertisements in every issue of this newspaper they are interesting they will keep you informed of all the newest and best offerings to be found in the shops and stores the advertisements are a record of 0 business progress they will save you time and money and assure fullest value for every purchase you make 0 00 0 00 san juan bord eo rd 20 A paper f for 0 o r people who think 0 g |