Show class day frocks for the graduates I 1 by CHERIE NICHOLAS Y Q m M v T armb ME for diplomas I 1 and after proudly and demurely receiving them la in perfectly proper cap and gown eown then what listen to fashions answer the prettiest style significant array of crisp and sheer class day gowns that ever adorned any group of sweet girl graduates lets hasten to go into detail regarding these thesa enchanting gowns tor for theres not nearly enough space here allotted to tell all the lovely things which should be said about the adorable frocks that will answer to the roll call of those present at college and school festivities during the ensuing days As to materials please to note that we said crisp and sheer in the first paragraph which Is just what they are organdie Or gandie gandle comes first and most of it Is beautifully allover embroidered in the daintiest daintie st colors imaginable in fact embroidered effects are the thing and real news about these patterned orlandies organdies org andies Is they are worn over taffeta slips which are color matched to some prominent flower or figure in the design Ilo however wever or gandie gandle has a rival this season which Is none other than old fashioned but now new fashioned seline de sole its back again in all its fascinating crispness and sheerness in pure white it Is that sweet and demure looking one will be tempted to say in describing it that tant she who wears it was dressed in simple white no matter if it Is a costly as thy purse can buy import direct f from om one of the most exclusive parts paris salons its the way of seline de sole to look the picture ol of simplicity and the sweetly feminine and for this reason among many it Is regarded as ideal for the graduation frock theres tills this too about seline de sole it yields beautifully to the new pin tuck treatments which are such an outstanding feature in this seasons styling the lovely dress to the left in the picture Is pin tucked with sections of the silk kellne left untouched so as to contrast the plain with the tucked which somehow or other makes this material look its sheerest she erest there Is just enough stiffness in this seline to give it a sprightliness which Is much to be desired when it comes to achieving young looking silhouettes the little puffed sleeves are the latest and ever so touny of this seasons graduating dresses have them for the latest edict Is that shoulders must be covered either with cap sleeves or capeless cape lets or puffs or some sort of an arrangement there are more embroidered than plain orlandies organdies org andies being used this season thus Is a fetching note of color introduced for white with a touch ot of color has become a slogan among designers the embroidered or gandie gandle frock illustrated lust rated to the right Is a charming girlish model it la Is worn over a slip of ice fee green taffeta and it adopts a little jacket of self the wide sash Is the same delicious green of the slip but in a darker tone 0 1932 western w tern newspaper union |