Show CLEAN TOWN CONTESTS are not so important wi as clean towns tons most alost of our citi citizens zeni ire are t to bo be commended on nn their prompt promptness nesi in in cleaning up tip yards and corr corralle allu some pie ore behind ns a yet and you must net mt told hold back the town III in the way viv v iv ol 01 furn furnishing ishin breeding for flies which ciny carry gernis germs to ti chiy cry babe in town ton lot us repent the words voida of doctor beaty if yu yiu knew you would be one ct cr the ter ten out of your thousand P cople to die of tab germ disen seg thi this s year bouli y you i be interested in reims germs yc aci and if f you knew you would be despen ible for fornis ning flies to benrey vor arm to tile the neighbors I 1 lio ho dis among those ten you would bentter the fly breeding tre eding ln liv inure and filth lay day ana night until your is is clin as it d pin fin |