Show NOTICE TO RIFLEMEN the membership for the allue mt atille clui hus hils been extended e I 1 to march 21 after that tiny liny eligi tile lile person ierson inest pay p 3 1 l to join vow NOW its only 2 following Is offered for those who wh lont mider stand the local expenses only stich as targets of the club members Mem liere are entitled to shoot whenever the dull club meets using I 1 ginis and shells furnished I 1 by y the he government ern ment tills this ts Is possible po sIble lile thru mem ber shilo ot of the lopal local dill chib in the nn nil dional nillo asso any normal person over IS 18 tuny inay join dues are ara ilse for locel I 1 I 1 expenses only asch us im targets tar pets etc members furnish t air own way war to th alii range rai ie |