Show road to bridges will start report nr P F lymun lyman returned this week aiom LC and brot the information it Is reported that tle tile road from Il landing to the ali natural ridges will proceed at once perhaps tomorrow monday iton day it 11 K H make blake re employment officer stivel hod not been advised of the matter but inusS nuch its it Is i perhaps per liapi a state matter employment may or may not TO go thru ills his office IIo Ito weier wever it Is said that it li Is a IWA project and that a man will toe be here lit in tile eth or ath to direct the starting and 0 on a tills basis by tile the time this paper Is mailed work may tie be started on the long loan delayed deloyed road kitty fifty men and teams are needed find the job should require beveral eral months fact data achand how ever eer and much conjecture Is natural hut but a gooi booi surveying par V of compe tent engineers and helie help ra ta ls working every aery day under dire Albris odthe of the tate road sc B it looks like business HIGHWAY TO FAMOUS BRIDGES GIVEN BOOST BY SALT LAKE NEWSPAPER this week in the deseret Ie airet news a libik column story t ory alp appeared eared telling tellin of tile the work abut to start on the road from to the natural bridges details as shen given out are rather lutzy or inaccurate but the alia niala idea at road tit t these wonders onders la Is coperet corer co ct and tile sun surveying e lay of that ix nd li is edlu lint but lit in man und and team work yet iet Am to the news zeke johnson will have charge of 55 f men taken under OWA awa and tomorrow they will commence we hope tills this lia ils true but wednesday tile ath there wenis to le ile no knowledge here vt this action rut bot there Is 14 sit BI much assurance givon given from so m nning alny sources that tills this jol I 1 it to lie ile commenced at once that something likely will result y soon anti anil that is a road to t the bril alrid i kes gem |