Show tubing had to fight for its place in sun the bathtub benjamin franklin in tra it dived ed to america was imported froni from I 1 france 1 rance it was known as aa a slipper tub shaped like ft a boot with a 0 malsed sent for the occupant in the heel and a covering that hid bid the tin legs from ia own eyes so tie lie could go fo about the work of getting clenn clean with the utmost propriety even so it took a daring spirit to bring this innovation to philadelphia in 17 1775 ta abnot another ter hero of the tub was president millard mallard fillmore T this its chief exec executive etive occupies a modest place in the annals of political achievement but he was the one who had tile the c courage ur ige to install a re regular 9 ular full sized bathtub barlitt lb in the white house in 1850 lie ile d lid I 1 1 I it with a flourish that gave great impetus to the bath a week fad that then wag alarming the democratic people of the country Fill mores bathtub may not have been tile the first one in the white I 1 house lous e uit but his was the first to be recorded beyond dispute it if there was a tub in the mansion before his time sir holmes for one suspects it was thrown out by andy jackson the patriotic old Ille hickory kory who went through ninny battles and stormy political campaigns without ever being of taking a bath kansas city times |