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Show Cast Prepares "What a Life" For November 24-25 Hailed by New York critics as an outstanding Broadway hit, "What A Life," this year's school play goes into final practices the coming week in anticipation of production pro-duction the evenings of November 24 and 25. The Clifford Goldsmith play of four years back has three weeks practice behind it and the cast of 15 thespians is putting in after school time working to make a success suc-cess of this comedy involving high school life. Featured parts include Royal Nielson, Marjorie Wallin, June Hillman, Gordon Howard, Bob Barker, Bar-ker, David Lingard, Dexter McGar-ry, McGar-ry, Darlene Sperry, Beulah Latimer, Lati-mer, Bud Cummings, Waldean Cow ley, La Rae Taggart, Ken Hillam, Maybelle Coleman, and Bob Boucher. Bouch-er. Dispersing the original Henry Aldrich portrayal, the play will introduce in-troduce a replacement in the character char-acter of Herbert Williams, according accord-ing to Mrs. Genevieve Wilcox, director. di-rector. Tickets g on sale sometime next week. For South students one. free ticket will be issued with the first 25-cent ticket purchased. Those outside the school will pay 40 cents for each ticket they purchase. The performance begins at eight o'clock sharp. Aiding in production are Miss Rena Olson, Roland Olscf George Hess, Walter Stevens and Miss Edith Ed-ith Johnson. |