Show FE WAS A MISERY ISERY TO HER ilys this woman until re wed by lydia EPin E Pink khama hams I 1 vegetable compound allton ky III 1 I suffered almost ro years with female weakness I 1 could not walk any distance ride or take any exercise at all without resting if I 1 swept tb the e floor Z or did any kind of work it would brin bring P my sickness on I 1 I 1 ot was weak and languid had no energy awk and life wasa a misery to me 1 I was under the care of a good auma ac aia t physician for sevi okla al mon months and d tr tried led other remedies had ahad read of lydia E Pink hams hains vega a elble ble compound and decided to try it after tf ter taking twelve bottles I 1 found myself much improved and I 1 took six I 1 have never had any more no boa auble in that respect since I 1 have ane 0 me all kinds of work and at present i tn an attendant at a state hospital tea aad d am feeling fine I 1 have becom jl tended your vegetable compound to daens of my friends and sh shall I 1 always it LILLIAN fe feay IV eth st carrollton ky ey if you have any symptom about which akpu apu ipu would like to know write to the ydia E Pin pinkham kharn medicine co lynn lass ass bior for helpful advice given free fee ot of harge barge 0 ma a misery after RE a t 1 n a 21 jus josf takes an in Eato itic the first dose ot of eatoile did me onders I 1 take it at meals and am 0 longer bothered with indigestion arites mrs ellen harris ls thousands of people like this dear idy gratefully testify about Ea entente tonte chich does its wonders by taking up nd carrying out the excess acidity and ases ages which bring on indigestion heartburn eart burn bloating belching and food ep eating acid stomach also causes bout seventy other non organic a al 11 bents protect yourself A big box bos rit r it 4 costs but a trifle biti with your L druggists guarantee QT WE T TV ahk when the body begins to stiffen band and movement becomes painful it is ia usually an indication that the tha I 1 li kidneys are out of order keep these organs healthy by ON the worlds standard remedy for ur liver bladder and uric acid troa oles famous since 1696 tako take regularly and tep kep in good health in three biaca all druggists guaranteed as represented tak laok in for the da nun dae e com cold modal medal on every rociy box iau eid nd accept no REMOVED by dr barry P 7 FRECKLES F kl alim your yar T or h by W fb k dr arc C H berry co 2975 S avenue ch LO f over fifty years ago a young physician practiced widely in a rural al district and became famous for his hia uniform success in the tha caring of disease this was dr pierce who afterwards established ais ed himself in buffalo N NY Y and placed one on of his prescriptions which he called golden medical discovery diery in the drug stores of the united states so that the pub I 1 lie could easily obtain this very 1 t remarkable tonic corrective and i blood maker dr pierce manu fractured this discovery from 1 roots and barks a corrective S remedy the ingredients of which nature had bad put in the fields and forests for keeping Us is healthy i few folks or families now living i have not at sometime or other used this golden medical discovery forthe stomach liver and heart over twenty four million bottles of this tonic and blood remedy 1 t I have hava been bean sold la in this country iw W N U salt uke lake city no 42 1920 t I 1 a package amm 9 a package drawing birog th e war and a package ow nit the he flavor lasts so 0 o does the price I 1 AM A M kj CHEWIN M if you like the taste I 1 of coffee you V new 11 ll 11 me like t INSTANT dond do nd M m leg at and like it better than coffee because it is a tahle table drink of satisfying g flavor with no after regrets wih and al it cots costs less coffee disagrees wah some but instant agrees with am ILI I 1 everybody theres a 3 bec reason acm 1 6 for sold by grocers ap everywhere I 1 A vv ft made by itt fn an hillmo cereal cemal cosine aw t fah battle creecj ach fm wot |