Show NOT PARDON deris DEBS president wilson Is understood to have no intention ol of pardoning el EJ 1 igene f V debs who Is serving a ten year tear sentence in III the federal penitentiary at atlanta tor for violation of the espionage act the position taken by the den according to those who profess to know his views is that executive clemency jn in such a case would set a bad precedent and would encourage others to oppose the government in the event of another war dells debs was convicted at cleveland on september 12 1918 1318 on three counts a jury fending him guilty of attempting to incite insubordination and d disloyalty alty in tho the military and naval forces attempting to obstruct r recruiting rul tings and uttering language langu aga tending to incite incite provoke anden and encourage resistance to the united states and to promote the cause of the enemy A pardon tor for debs and others convicted of violating the espionage act has been urged by a number of 0 organizations including tho the american federation of labor which at its last annual convention at montreal canada authorized a committee to confer with attorney torney it general rainier on the matter |