Show advertisements all advertisements under this s head are 10 cents a line tor for the first insertion and 5 cents tor for each subsequent insertion U eving TAWN LOON LOOK wanted bedsteads dressers cot largo large heating stove dining room chairs port lers mat rosses bosses and rugs will buy or rent leave biord ord at this office 11 lt it wanted chickens and turkeys nill pay the highest market price 10 at louis laris for sale strawberry plants ira bryant independence sit wanted to buy class D dry gulch glitch water stock john ifera leeton utah 10 at t for sale underwood derwood Url typewriter good condition A bargain at this office HAIlO AlNy FOR I oil cath CASH 4 we will sell everything in fit the store at a discount of oe 4 off oe of present prices except groceries we have hava a great variety of good goods this sale commences monday november 1 C C larson loaf for sal sale e at a bara bargain a in piao electric washer hot blast heater farm wagon cpr springs angs and sewing serving machine J austin fack I 1 11 tf tj IGO acres SO 80 acres ono one dillile south soll ol of RA roosevelt sevelt everi ever acre ran call be tanned 1 wll lease 0 orsell r bell terms richer kicher myton utah CHOICE 1 apu N luts 1018 FOR foit SALE I 1 in ili extension ot plat enear G acar artesian well easy payment plansee planree pl anSee C 11 II shurtleff or R S jordan phonograph given iven free on 31 christmas eve isham drug co I 1 FOR foll SALE good riding pony for children roy hoy alf 1 FOR SALE wa will I 1 I 1 sell at a bargain two eighty acre tracts of land with water right under cultivation and near roosevelt easy terms it if ricilly required ed P 0 box G roosevelt utah loaf wanted to trade LO verlAnd ind roadster or t cattle sam saal snyder Ic Le etoll clont 11 tt tf wanted information little Al margaret argaret was bright and her proud parents accorded her the privilege of answering the philae it rang I 1 margaret answered the ho phone one day and was asked by the party at the other end of the wire to call her big brother will t ti the phone margaret knew that will was sleeping upstairs and rhe lid did not to d durb disturb urb blai needlessly so BO she asked Is it anything very will N ill open exclusive boarding house can take ladles ladies to board and room but board men only close to high school and quiet no children board will be resh fresh direct from the farm and will make maho it as reasonable as possible this office 1111 11 11 hats fall and winter styles come in fit and see them elite millinery mis aliss geneva snow manager af phonograph given tree free on christmas christeas Christ nas eve isham drug co real estate loats loans no commissions no delays plenty of 0 funds al bays ays on oil hand ed F I 1 hainston Han Harm stoll roosevelt vOlt utah for sale honio homo comfort cook stove slid and mason hiason rotary sewing machine bargain party town this office wanted piano box class condition A birch loil wanted tro tivo young ladies to take nursing course at hospital aty dr J E morton will deliver coal to your bin bill lor for 12 per ton toil leave orders with A arch S A jeukins 7 att t 1 wanted ex experienced perien ced girl tor for house work mrs H A isham GRAND GUAM COLORADO Z I 1 leave eliav a ihie fate young orchard 13 12 a acres 5 acres in ili I 1 hartlett Jart lett ie pears nsf 5 acres in ill choice winter apples 3 2 t acres in ili alfalfa all tinder good fence line bungalow anil and nil all other necessary no lii rutn brance worth my aly agg age anil and fai family tilly bereavement are tho sola bole roi rei sons f sor or bite offering to trado trade rine fine condition ime fine soil location superb for reference I 1 refer you 6 to win will NV weiser elser one of lloyw alt dank bank officials rev E 11 fleisher eisher FI 1 grand junction colo will tra trade defor for some good tar raw uncultivated land with veater irater right near roosevelt Rooe evelt 7 at FOR SALE one on hay baler iu ia good condition will soil sell or trade for cattle or hay 11 S allred at for sale nearly new piano I 1 bargain ar 2 years to pay par leeton utah lo 10 at s1 for sale house and lot down ZO 30 a month C J lilach bursi 11 tt tf |