Show uj I 1 PUBLIC HEALTH association I 1 perhaps o hapa you aro are familiar with tue tua aboe abe organization and its activities ou DW tway in our own civil state abc dioz no 1 au utah public health LID 13 is an organization which pro fir 0 mu j the betterment of general lisa ilea in conditions paying particular all aili atlon to the hie fight against tu bercil ip los this Is because in tho the clver average ago iii inley wie one third of all the perile people ile rho aho die die of tuberculosis j hough many people are of tho the Op opi jujI ion that tuberculosis Is an unI unknown cnown disease in utah 1 sta des complied compiled by tle the utah pub lie health t association show that thai in ili ill the lest three years inhabitants of t to state havo have succumbed to this digose and that there are at present 2000 active cases miss sophie K larsen public publeo health nurse employ plo td d by the association in weber cot coury ity reports that since she began ile her unties cuties there last july she has 71 cases that had bad not been reported by any other agency in the ata e and that were consequently rece race ving no medical attention and dot doi s r nothing to prevent infecting other people ti a 0 utah public health association maintains rural and city nurses having been instrumental in securing ing jie ia employment of public health hurs in fit 13 counties it installs tile the Allo modern dern health crusade for or children in ILL our gur public schools within tho the last yea ca enrolling rolling children dr T T P B beatty bead of the state board of oc declares the crusade to bu be tl tle c moans means of an all imme so se amount of good among the chil children tren of this generation and the next and to help solve tile the tuberculosis I 1 roblee of the years yeara to come ahe 7 he utah public health association tion endeavors to be of asil assistance stance to the men who were rejected and the soldiers solders who were discharged front the army on oil account of tuberculosis it d 3 knowledge concern concern ing ice he causes treatment and proven lion of tuberculosis in every jon in ili utah and la Is working 1 to secure needed le ir fi lation for tb abo prevention anil and eure cure or oc tho the disease dl senie at A I 1 the quarterly mooting ot orthe the executive committee he held ld in ill salt la lalo 0 last week a legislative tto tee composed coin posed of ur dr T U D beatty juror leroy dixon of oc provo and james ja mes 11 NV wallai allig alve secretory secret SL dry of he was to secure the passage af pf or jaive lav ul the next nev legislature alic lie reg istia tiou tion of all people and to ask for rn an appropriation to equip a 8 tale stale sanatorium this entire right waged against disease is financed through the sale on oil penny christmas seals mr air ho bo is tile the state declares that a healthy enthusiasm Is being manifested in ili all sections cliona se and that every indication promises sit success in ili tho the annual isale which oil ens thanksgiving day twid fand continues coil until christmas eve t |