Show passed up as a runt young schalk developed into a great backstop B rack ack in 1910 1010 frank ninin heard tear of ti a kid catcher choso back backstopping stopping running and hitting were startling inhabitants hibit lInts of it small Il illinois lInnis city which lind hall a I 1 club in a n bush buli bu li league alip tiger er president patched one of its his hired inan bunters to to look tit lit the player kyer the scout liked the catcher but did not let Ms ills enthusiasm pet get the better vt A liim him because the youngster vitis hardly ive five feet ive five inches tall and of slight build whoever hoard heard of a runt like that being able to stand up under the fire expected of major league pitchers in ili the meantime equally favorable reports were being received of another minor league catching star whose play s 4 Z 2 1114 I 1 ray schalk attracted much attention in the texas league the same scout cent looked at this catcher it finally canio came time for a showdown sir mr navin could get both catchers for reasonable arf prices lees but in the file lie he agreed with ith the traveling trav dine representative that the kid idd catcher in illinois was as probably too slightly built and lie took the one with the texas club who wits was n 1 big man mail and ano aho looked like it valuable prospect hect tile the one lie picked wits was jack onslow a fair catcher but a little shy on big league requirements the one lie he passed up lit because be aue he was a runt was hay schalk tile the brebt is an old story schalk lias has bien a tar mar with tile the white sox almost ever ance and more than once made mr air navin holler ouch |