Show only one fifth of cf hens egg Is nutritious much of substance Is water in a hens egg only one fifth of vie the substance is nutritious ono one ulith Is refuse and the greater portion about two thirds Is water according accor dig to authority white eggs fire are not so gool goof as yellow ones for they contain a trifle more water waler und find less fat judged hy by the amount of nutriment a gooses egg Is the most valuable next in order are ducks guinea fowls liens tells turkeys and plovers eggs egg eggs contain a large quantity of malphur which is purifying to tile the blood and good for the complexion to get the best begs pg you must feed your fowl on grain and to 0 o cook it in the ho most digestible way you roust must not liol too the hie water ilent heat the water to degrees and leave the egg in it for ten rol minutes you will then digest every morsel but if 11 you boil it for anlee clr ce minutes no le less sa thin one twelfth 0 of it 11 will fall to be digested thus if you eat two eggs boiled at degrees every lay day you waste fire dozen in n a year |