Show r COLDS breed and spread INFLUENZA 1 KILL co COLD D AT ONCE WITH tl ILL LES CASCARA QUININE 1403 R 0 rk 4 cold remedy for or 29 20 years IM tablet form safe sure no I 1 brea beaks teaks up P a cold in 24 ph relieves grip p 1 in 3 days amicy back it if p it taus falls the ine tie ie box has bas a ved red with mr hilla at at stow W N U salt lake city no 14 1920 the rahe R 0 H J WRY W in all cases of DISTEMPER PINKEYE INFLUENZA COLDS ETC of all horses brood mares colts and stallions Is to SPOHN THE THEM fd ir I 1 vol t on the tongue or in the feed with DISTEMPER GuI COMPOUND POUND give the remedy to all ol of them it a acts r t 3 on the blood and glands it routs t the h e disease by expelling the germs it INI J wards off the trouble no matter ho how they are exposed A lew few drops a da day prevent those exposed from condrac contracting disease contains not nothing rig inbur injurious ac sold by druggists ha harness ness dealers or ar by the manufacturers manufacturer go CO c cents s and nd per bottle AGE AGENTS S WANTED A 4 SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY GOSHEN IND v iv ir 9 is y OU like the im taste la ste of coffee like ja 0 01 7 10 alp X and you 11 ll me like it better 11 if you are one of those ve with whom coffee disagrees uri DO jt c hie he flavor is si similar ni HEW b but blue lue pos aum does not noi con contain ala r x caffeine or any I 1 other drug let the cac change sold by b v a all U grocers made bY cereal Co BattIe CreeKM fc fit ll 11 r |