Show COMMON WITCH HAZEL PINE FINE FOR SORE SOKE EYES EVES it Is surprising how quickly eye Is helped by common witch hazel camphor etc AS mixed in eye wash one elderly lady who had been troubled with chronic eye inflammation for many years was greatly helped in two days we guarantee a small bottle of dt to help ANY CASE weak strained or inflamed eyes aluminum eye cup FREE city drug co 1 FREIGHT we have freight at advertisements price first to call take the orders all advertisements under this head C W M co roosevelt 30 21 are 10 cents a line tor for the first insertion ALFALFA cultivators the superior and 5 cents for or each subsequent implement tor for alfalfa anything insertion for the farm get our prices before buying C W at co roosevelt 30 21 aja kinds of fresh meat at gagon co 0 twenty head of holstein and jersey wanted good cow J W COTS for sale one fourth down weaver 51 southeast city or this balance on time louis E allred allied affire hayden utah 30 at we handle the famous hayden for sale eight head of 0 good horses cheese gagon co john oconnell 2 miles south of FOR salemy SALE my ranch between the roosevelt forks al oi north myton bench 16 0 acres for sale or trade A fine fenced shares water in class C stallion allioD St 7 year old call at the and 5 sf se cond feet in cobble creek T ek robert hicks ranch A b batian baT I 1 T W iun 4 ila write N L ne nelson son for rent good ranch team and provo utah farm arm implements furnished V W MELSON LARSEN lansen CREAMERY faucett ea COMPANY 11 we are now in the market toi foi plenty of 6 pet per cent money to loan your will pay the highest highes on fornis forms call and see me iris nl marke arke price for your witter tat fat R S collett cream ery sLat stations ions ANT H gagon cagon quite a good dinner lor for at the roose reese relt felt calvert waugh myton quick lunch bakery lilt ilif send us your cream aal get a square deal lilt candy business we start you at home bottle or anywhere everything furnished R real al estate loans no 30 weekly up men women commissions no delays plenty of experience unnecessary funds alx ala ays on hand ed F harm j claley candy making 14 co 5 S letb pa 30 at ston roosevelt utah street all kinds of plan planning ning and ripping we notice that the high cos cost t of also lath mill 30 tf t living has been reduced by the presence ot of the quick lunch bakery chotek TOWN LOTS JOR FOR SALE lilt in as axt tension ot of plat flat E near artesian A i f well r rasy easy payment plansee planree pl anSee the re refrigerator figat v 11 at n bie WH W H dagou C H shut aleff or R S jordan co meat market ia w i C et your lath jath at the mill and they are ready to take I 1 carlof caira I 1 ol 01 your trade FARMS TO RENT meat f ca bajil sh or tor for share 0 of crup crop af in for sale dwelling house iosa cosa r cwi iwi irol athin i ry tf ll hilt 20 acres in water electric light bargagli bar gali 1 I 1 east 20 acres 2 21 1 tt tf I 1 ning city cl ci 1 thyrle searle 4 jaty ity T CS i r the alies farm near I 1 for sale halt section 0 of good dry lr l avril cpr iced sill ill fen are i under cultivation right farming arming land 42 acres aud full water alfalfa well D W fenced fence I and 1 roos koos velt reail really co R aco co devoit isaf findley room resl real we will sell garden and farm good two fo r sale low prices in electric lights lot seeds ot of all kinds close denat and other wheat vats oats barley tor for corn ideal place an feet IS 15 apply seeds will vill open up february chicki I 1 ens and cow bargain further par 1320 1920 at roosevelt R 0 cosevelt os evelt hyrum Hanson to jo ja hn C jacobs tor for 23 22 tf lt 1 co cicula rs |