Show 4 wo we buy for lesi sell tor for less leea dut but for or cash only duly 11 if you have to buy shoes and want to save some money you had better look our line linc over before you buy As we know we are in a position to save you at least one third of 3 our money another new line of drummer s samples in mens and childrens hats also mens and boys shoes ladies sport hats for early spring 7 1 A Q 0 11 tie the recollection of QUA QUALITY LI TY reni remaina alne alter tilt PRICE to la forgotten golden R rule u I 1 e store the people s friend Frien dif F W cooper manager roosevelt utah cut this out it Is worth money cut out this slip enclose with be to foley co 2835 sheffield ave chicago ill writing your name nd ind address clearly you will receive in return a trial package containing doleys honey and tar com olund tor for coughs colds and croup poley foley kidney pills and foley ca charnic tablets sold everywhere WHEN BEARCAT WENT DRY I 1 di le 30 josl 3 1 V e d to it e s d c a 7 march arch 16 10 special orchestra for the occasion prices and aird U C C RAY contractor and builder I 1 best workmanship roosevlt roosevelt utah HIDES FURs AND sheepskins SHEEP SKINS get FULL VALUE for them by shipping next lot to lange CENTRAL MARKET and RELIABLE HOUSE get the midd lemans profit added to your returns by tagging next shipment direct to us MS we pay express and post charges on furs and on request hold shipment ee se and submit offer small shipments t nta have same careful attention with us as large ones very low express and freight rates on all roads to omaha on hides and Pelts free trappers guide and wool growers friend nebraska hide wool co Oni omaha alia bebr E Q tj 1 0 agg 2 4 L a EP operating daily passenger Pas service to and from price leave roosevelt daily at 8 S A M mylon 11 9 11 price 4 8 J W JOHNS UN manager J HOMER P EDWARDS insurance that insures I 1 the flu has started up again andaas become epidemic in many localities protect your family and yourself by purchasing life accident and health insurance while there is yet time men alen always die at the wrong time Torr tomorrow orrow may be too late mutual life insurance company of new york I 1 aana accident and liability company office over ashton gerage roosevelt utah MEAT MARKE IL T a this Is a new department we have just recently installed come in and try us we know we can please you ga Y Z PR I 1 M E staple fancy W H ciao gagon I 1 co on co the one price to all for cash store the Cle detracts day Is here the tide has turned the big demand today is for the small tank type tractor for the that zoes further than the simple job of plowing and takes the place of horses over plowed ground arid and seedbed seed bed working faster and at lower cost it wanted only the success of the he in 1919 to wake nake the bulk of farmers everywhere put their OKI OK on the small tank cypa tractor and now because the is the I 1 fashion because a greatly increased output means a lower manufacturing cost we can offer a better and detill reduce the price to you with moie power and improved construction 1920 will prove to any farmer anywhere that farming is profitable farming the is the right size and type almost any farm the one tractor adapted to all conditions it has proven its ability to stand up to its work and now that the public has recognized its worth it is out in front to stay B L NEWELL LOCAL distributor A largo large we have a large assortment of the following articles le page glue Jarde shaving brushes lanterns mop sticks steel traps flour sifters lifters trunks mop I leads heads suit cases cleansers aaby jumpers shaving outfits dingo bingo wash boards whisk brooms rubs brooms eremel ware scrubbing brushes dutch cleanser both blue and white lux etc gat fat the right prices table syrup at special priced full line of staple and fancy groceries fine all of nuts and candies the store 0 f Oti quality alty I 1 ROOSEVELT ROO L T mercantile MERCA INTILE combar Y v roosevelt utah we handle tile the fa famous stuff manufactured by the utah bedding co of salt lake we all believe in utah and her products abul but the utah bebing co of salt lake manufacture mattresses that are far superior to any on the market A BIRCH COMPANY 0 ya 4 14 |