Show application for grazing permits notice is hereby given that all a applications for permits to graze cattle horses an and d sheep within the ashley national forest during durin the season of 1920 must be filed in my office in in vernal utah on or before january IS 15 1920 full information in regard to the grazing fees to be charged and blank forms to be used in making applications P licati ons will be furnished upon request WM M anderson 16 at supervisor 7 tha 60 0 PROMPT and CAREFUL 1 freight and passenger se service rv i ice j between I 1 0 mack colo and vernal utah ft Bu duchesne chesne roosevelt poosevelt Reserva reservation tiou points I 1 M auto leaves roosevelt every nio ning at t 3 connecting WITH THE DENVER RIO i GRANDE R R AT MACK COLORADO route all shipments via the uintah hallwa railway co al VV COOLEY general manager MACK COLORADO roosevelt RY S TA FBI j albert f liver livery 1 1 eldredge barn mgr i ROOSEVELT UTAH we always have rigs and horses on hand i ESE aasa sy 1 I I 1 mutual realty investment company Incon orated roosevelt utah we can sell your farm or ranch if you will list it with Us we have farms for those who wish to buy and cheap money to loan them in buying R S q COLLETT president DAVID BENNION treasurer 4 gi I 1 C E I 1 M aei staple and fancy W WE E still have a complete assortment of the famous kirkendall shoes for ladies and gents the very best values in the city for the money A full line of groceries at the lowest possible price W H gagon co the one price to all for cash store THE DOCTORS predict another epidemic of influenza while youage well is the time to talce take out health and life insurance for you may not be able to secure insurance later an accident and health insurance F policy 0 licy gives you protection the doctors bill and pays for loss 0 ls of time A life insurance policy protects prot ecta your family in the event of death men alwa always yadie die atthe at the wrong tima tima Consid consider erthe the matter mattar seriously and than with HOMER P EDWARDS agent roosevelt utah mutual life Insurance Company of new york aana accident and liability company NOTICE TO stockholders notice Is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders ot of the roosevelt banking co ca will be hold held at the office of the said company in S ale reduction roosevelt duchesne county st state at e bi ebig of utah at 3 00 pa p m on oil tuesday the day of december ass aisse OEM 1919 the purpose of this meeting Is to vote upon the proposition to amend dollars to meet our bill at article VII ol of the articles ot of incorporation we must have a few thousand po ration of the said compan yso as sacrifice our profits and for 15 to provide SOT an increase in the once in order to get it we will capital stock ov of the company to in the store at a discount will sell for cash everything and also to vote upon days we the proposition to amend article ending IX of 0 the articles of 0 incorporation commencing zo so as to provide that the cashier be I 1 appointed by the directors ot of the december 15 january company instead of 0 being elected by the stockholders as now provided give one fifth off or 20 cents off of each we will absolutely in the present articles of incorporation dollar from the original selling price on everything in the store dated this day of november A D 1919 except groceries overalls oil cloth paints oils nails seamless DAVID BENN BENNION and the we will give one Secret secretary arv of roosevelt banking co sacks and cream separators 15 at tenth off or 10 cents off on each dollar NOTICE FOR publication department ot of the interior U S land office 22 1919 at vernal utah november there is a large stock of the fol following owing notice is hereby given that walter 1 I allen alien ot of lapoint utah who on october 14 1915 made homestead boots hosiery of at all sizes and hinds mattresses Matti esses entry serial no for NEA shoes notions wall paper nei section 23 township 1 rubbers underwear of all kinds for foe hors blankets t north ran range ge 1 east uintah special overshoes men women and children Childr tn collars Iller meridian idian has hied filed notice oi of intention hats dresses to make three year proof to caps waists lace leother establish claim to the land abosede quilts gloves sole leather scribed ascribed bed before beford register receiver blankets mittens paints of 0 the U S land office at vernal Mackin mackinaws Mac kinavs aws waltham and epin elgin washer oils oil overcoats cli chacks eks atals I 1 ala min inin utah on the day of december 1919 duck coats breast pins granite ware claimant names as witnesses suits suit for men and boys rings and other jewelry hardware of all kinds charles B bartlett of vernal men and boys pants ranges suit cases utah leroy atwood of aridell tridell Trl Tr dell Idell overalls heating stoves satchels jumpers beds rope utah william J johnstun of dry goods gooda springs seamless backs roosevelt utah horace morrill of tridell aridell Tr idell utah AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER GOODS TOO NUMEROUS TO PETER HANSON register nov 26 dec 24 MENTION delinquent NOTICE notice is hereby given that there is due and delinquent on therol the following stock the amount set appo itte the respective names of the stockholders on the assessment levied cm C LARSEN roosevelt utah e octo october er 23 3 1919 name no chrs amt L john van tassell 2 S A russell 16 1 henry P olson 12 7 10 E J tree 4 thos smith 4 14 do you enjoy your meals atz esz J A olson 12 if do not enjoy meals you your W H allred 4 digestion is faulty eat moderately borr W P bowen 4 especially of meats masticate john P cook 16 food thoroughly let five C 0 gardner 16 1415 14 15 bour hours elapse between meals and II 11 31 J J horrocks 16 take one of chamberlains tablets what we believe wm win keel 16 immediately after supper and you will soon find your meals to be a real E L oakes 16 H E oakes 16 pleasure believing that all human endeavor eventually reduces john 13 12 1 2 C R ockey 16 PLASTER PLASTE it PLASTER to the one basis unity and interests this bank aims 1 A olson 15 plenty of gypsum on hand to operate cooperate co with wi h every individual and business interest archie S richardson 16 at the plant 5 miles heber C rowley 3 37 7 10 northwest of roosevelt in bringing increased prosperity to our section mrs H P olson 5 3 10 1250 per ton loose henry florence extra sacked return the much very more than a mere business relation 8 sacks and get credit tor for it if said assessment remains unpaid all plaster guaran animates the services of this bank for it is our on the day of december teed to be first class b belief that as our customers prosper do we grow in a 1919 a as much of each parcel of HEBER TIMOTHY stock delinquent will be sold to the gif roosevelt utah measure highest bidder at 2 p m at the hayden mercantile store to satisfy A N ALT CO it is upon these principles of operation cooperation co and the amount delinquent cost of ABSTRACTS OP OF TITLE service that we invite advertising and the expense of sale Duclie duchesne sue litah your account J C PETERSON Secret secretary arX hayden utah november 23 1919 STEWART ALEXANDER ROOSEVELT BANKING CO uintah independent ditch co Attorn attorneys eyEL and counselors at law your bank is your best friend delinquent NOTICE fth floor bldr salt lale lake city utah notice is hereby that there PRICE UTAH Is due and delinquent on the following stock the amount set opposite DR ai 31 L CORBETT the respective names of the stock roosevelt utah holders on an asses assessment levied oc DENTIST tober 28 1919 name no stirs amt DR J H D M anderson 1225 BROWN hugh barnes 75 dentist J 11 blanchard 40 myton utah wash cash meat market lee anderton 1225 mercey B D mayo 30 11 L sutherland 31 MD D harvey hullinger 60 physician and surgeon FRESH AND CURED MEATS william hullinger 30 roosevelt utah margaret huff 10 office at residence tel 14 1 highest cash price paid for hides green or dried J B hurt huff 90 1105 E 13 H huff u it 60 D P WHITMORE M D J P huff 2425 A complete line of groceries physician and surgeon ed hunt 30 office over isham dru drue benjamin ralph labrum johnson 7 75 30 1 ROOSEVELT 9 UTAH ili alli ail lilli W ili hi mili ili ili will I 1 scott murray 40 ERNEST H BURGESS 13 C miller 1825 At attorney torny at law george yeager 61 oiin tr hotel attorney travel H home firs ome J W boyer 14 65 ROOSEVELT UTAH it if not paid before the same will vill be offered for sale at the residence J 0 KING 0 D roosevelt utah of the secretary monday dec 15 5 eyes tested lens duplicated 1919 at the hour houi of 2 p n m ROOSEVELT centrally located on pikes peak highway high way and so cueli of each parcel of stock rooms with or without heat desired will be sold to the highest hideen aidt ei UINTAH BASIN HOSPITAL as for cash to satisfy the amount delinquent dr J E Bl morton orton supt bupt first class cafe in connection N lin quent cost of and expense ROOSEVELT UTAH of sale A nj GOPF F fiacro tary DILLMAN EXCELLENT SERVICE M cedarview Ced arview crr rr lation co attorneys and counselors at law mrs ch Ced cedarview arview utah nov 23 1919 roosevelt utah mary E harmston II armston proprietor alex sari |