Show FLOUR clour IN SMALL PARCELS encouraging the sale of the lower priced wheat flours and urging the purchase of united state grain corporation po ration standard pure wheat isaur atour julius H barnes unit ad states wheat director di today in an open letter to the housewives ot of america asked that they operate cooperate co in the adjustment of the present flour situation tio nir A mr barnes said that within the next two weeks the government will place on the market straight flour in small packages at a nominal cost this order to get the individual consumer consumer and our bakers to readapt their consumption to use the product which is in fit ample supply this year the adaptation of 0 the habits of 0 our flour consumers is necessary mr barnes explained because of the nerease in flour and bread consumption tion and a shrinkage in the crop yield of spring sown hard cheats by bushels and a corresponding increase in the yield of winter cheats he said this made it necessary tor for a balanced consumption a shifting of part of the demand from one kind to the other albough Al hough flour production has increased in this country in fit live months over barrels above last year all of which has been either eaten or stored away mr air barnes declared our large crop of wheat will care for the increased consumption the new standard flour to be placed on the market by the government mr air barnes explained will me soll sold at about 75 cents for one six teenie barrel twelve and a quarter lourds pour ds the 1111 bureau au ot of labor retail price reports indicated he said that for twenty months the average price of flour in this country for the same quantity had been 81 and 89 cents |