Show LIBERTY LOAN BONDS A state stale council of defense has been organized in duchesne coun ty abid the committees have been appointed to act in the next lib liberty arty locan loan campaign comar atea ee on C capitalist A M murdock mui dock chairman du chrone W V A miles roosevelt A F maxwell altonah alzonah Al tonah oscar mt home owen bennion mt emmons com on ar banks W L dann chairman duchesne Di chesne B T L D dirt myton rao rae ashton roosevelt on oil publicity A reef chairman roosevelt C B cook myton george B sloan duchesne H dubendorff atonal altonah Al tonah cromite on fraternal or A birch chairman I 1 J p may roosevelt P koo sevelt 7 I 1 IV V L dean duchesne R M POPS POT duchesne george A zoo oo evelt 11 A isham R an vilf george georga S sloan D du ne IT ir I T r 0 means apa abis myton vill TH altonah alzonah Al tonah on churches wm win H mar 1 L chairman ha irman roosevelt I 1 geo yes sloan duchesne J 11 1 1 L rdv roosevelt J al mickel yn for boneta eta austin G burton ta lT rape committee CoMm itice on public speeches R S collett Ch rooe i lt ft 11 J P may M ay roosevelt Roop evelt el B P popo pope duchesne C B bok cook myton louise E allred hayden on camons Wa mons auxiliary mrs R S collett chair cha r inin roosevelt mrs john md son sep mrs anna wat pan at bryton t lon mrs mary orser roosevelt Rm sevelt mrs abo lyons mt home committee on educational institution ution T A washburn duchesne H P ot toon fo an J F day roose roos e velt E edward dward mackle duchesne jas jafs murray Alto alzonah altonah Al tonah nanh canvassing Canvas sim committee C 1 I chairman roosevelt clem roosevelt Roos eveH D nj E P Ro roosevelt osvel lt willis florence flarence cirkel roosevelt roo evelt rne F 1 ac collett Ci ilett i roosevelt ross bartlett roose 1 velt I 1 th state seq to of utah will be called upon to epise on nn enormously enormous rum mm larser in enet than ever heretofore attempted and it cani can on onla tv lic b done timely and efficient organization orani zaUn strenuous and dessive work on the part of nil those upon whom falls 0 |