Show RED CROSS SOCIETY roosevelt roosevell will have the honor of an auxiliary la ry red cross society chy complete their organic ic 1 ian n axt at thursday afternoon it the active mcm 1 rr rn ii 1 teady through their patriotic efforts haye given aid to our so soldier I 1 dier boys each boy who left recently and who is going soon was presented with a hand mad comfort bag containing a complete equipment for his needs and for which the boys were indeed grateful grateful this society that it might be able to secure are funds for the continuance ti nuance of this splendid work is giving a patriotic dance friday evann rg september aber 28 1917 end cad they the cup ort of every loyal citizen to be in attendance it is your patriotic duty to do your bit general admission 50 and extra lady 25 this 1 is goin ohi o to bo a big affair and nd you dont v ant to fail to give it your hearty support I 1 |