Show E I 1 10 0 0 41 ev N an E T oil oh better no doubt Is a dinner of 0 herbs when deaso seasoned d by love which no rancor disturbs and sweetened by all that Is sweetest in life that turbot bisque ort olans eaten in ell he I 1 FAVORITE FISH DISHES 0 fish Is a favorite food rind one nelch fell Is comm common on in many parts or our country where fresh fish Is not lot to be obtained the markets afford both dry canned smoked arid and pickled fish salt codfish spanish style take a halt pound of salt codfish one clove of garlic finely chopped one cupful of tomato sauce gauce one chopped onion a few dashes of paprika a quarter of a cupful of olive oil one halt half of a sweet red pepper soak the codfish over night and simmer in fresh witter water for forty minutes remove the bonus bones and lay the shredded fish in a buttered baking dish fry the onion pe pepper and garlic in the olive oil arid and add the tomato sauce cut triangles of toasted bread try fry in oil and use as a garnish around the dash cook for fifteen minutes find sore serne hot turban of fish take two and a half cupfuls of fish flake it one and a halt cupfuls of milk one slice oj of onion a blade of mace a sprig of parsley one quarter of a cu cupful paul of 0 sweet fat the same of hour flour the yolks of two eggs lemon juice and suit salt and pepper and a cupful of buttered crumbs slake make the sauce by melting the fat and when bubbling liot hot stir in the flour when well cooked add the milk which has been scalding with the onion and blade of mace remove them lind and add the egg yolks seasoning salt and pepper and lemon juice rut put a layer of fish and a layer of sauce in a buttered baking dish until all are used cover with crumbs rind bake in a hot oven until the crumbs are brown crab canakes Ca napes cut bread in slices a quarter of nn an inch in thickness three indies inches long and nn an inch rind a half wide spread with butter rind and brown in the oven mix a cupful of crab moat meat with a teaspoonful of tabasco sauce half a teaspoonful spoonful ten of olive oil mark the bread diagonally in four sections and spread alternately with cheese and the crab mixture the proof of the pudding la is the eating thou both eat thy aby cake and have it OLD KING CORN we are as loyal american citizens eating more ot of the maize which Is our natle food the eating of corn Is both a patriotic duty and at a pleasure tor for we know that cornmeal does not ship well that the european housewife if 1 Is not familiar with it and it is 18 not well vell adapted for baking in central kitchens as most of the read bread Is s baked abroad white while cornmeal rumeal co is of equal nutritive value with will the yellow but it lias lag a less pronounced flavor which makes it more agreeable to the southern palate where it is largely used casserole of hominy taue take four cupfuls of hominy mix mis with throe three cupfuls of thin tomato sauce highly seasoned with hopped green peppers or onions or both put alternate ternate nl lasers of hominy tomato sauce and cheese aln finely ay iy cut using a fourth of a pound bake in a moderate oven until slightly browned corn chowder take a can of corn pr or two cupfuls of freh corn tour four po potatoes cut in one fourth inch slices two onions sliced two cupfuls of water waiter a teaspoonful of cornstarch or two tablespoonful tablespoon fuN of barley flour three cupfuls of scalded milk three of beet beef drippings droppings drip pings and salt and pepper cook the onion fat and ami flour stirring i often so ho that the onion will not burn add two cupfuls of wilier water find the potatoes cook until the potatoes are soft add corn and milk and cook five minute season with salt and pepper and serve corn Parker house rolls take ono one cupful ol of barley bailey flour three fourths of a cupful of corn meal one fourth of a teaspoonful of salt halt three teaspoonfuls of baling baking powder a tablespoonful spoonful of fat one egg a of sugar and one halt half cupful of milk sift the cut la in the tat fat adl add egg and milk ta to make a soft dough roll noil out aud and cut a third of an inch thick cut with a biscuit cutter spread with fat rind fuld fold hake bake in a moderate oven corn and rice pice muffins take a half cupful of 0 coteel rice a cupful ot of milk one egg a tablespoonful tahle spoonful of sugar one fourth of a teaspoonful teaspoon tul of oc salt three teaspoonfuls of baking powder one anil and one fourth cupfuls of white corn indol and two tablespoonful tablespoon tul of fat combine the mixtures astor asfor as tor for muffins and bake 45 43 la in a moderate oven even 4 socrates said dad bad men live that they may eat at and drink whereas good men eat and drink to live timo ripens all things no man im 1 born ylse cervantes FOODS we are asked to keep day meaning no nos wheat products art ar used just ns as we understand meatless means no meat products such as poi boik k beef or mutton are to be used on such days even grales may be made using corn starch corn flour or barley flour as a substitute for the usual wheat flour brown bread take one cupful each caell of corn meal rye flour barley flour two tablespoonfuls tablespoon of baking powder tablespoonful of soda a fourth of a teaspoonful each of ginger and salt all well sifted toge together the soda may be added kidded to two cupfuls of sour milk and three fourths of a cupful of molasses combine the mixtures and mix thoroughly steam in well buttered mold for five hours or in baking powder tins for three hours quaker tea cakes take two cupfuls CU 1 of quaker oats one cupful of sugar two eggs slightly beaten ono one fourth of oe a cupful of any sweet fat a teaspoonful of baking power and a teaspoonful of vanilla drop on a buttered pan an inch apart bake in a mod crate onen fig filling take one cupful of chopped figs add a third thira of a cupful of oe corn syrup and it a tablespoonful of lemon juice ineat in a double boiler until smooth enough to spread spread while lot hot on the cake such a filling may be used as a top frosting thus saving sugar spoon bread add a fourth of a a cupful of cracklings crac klings or pork scraps to three cupfuls of boiling water add a cupful of cornmeal arid and cook one hour then add two beaten eggs a halt half teaspoonful of salt and bake in a buttered dish three fourths of tin an hour by this leek I 1 will most horribly revenge I 1 eat and eat I 1 swear shake speare A GROUP OF FOOD DISHES As we are not all alike fortunately in our tastes each may find some nine dish which he likes in the good things constantly being combined tripe fricassee scrape a pound of tripe cut it in small pieces and cover with cold water let it stand for 13 15 lai remove the water and put wier oer fresh water wash ivash again all and cover with cold water then 1 simmer li niner gently for five hours add one small onion chopped after cool cooling cooking ing drain off the water and add two cupfuls of milk a grating of nutmeg salt and pepper stir until it bolls boils remove from the heat add a yolk of egg mis well and serve hot sardine canakes Ca napes cut brown bread in circles spread with butter and heat in the oven pound sardines to a ginste adil add an equal amount of chopped hard bard cooked eggs season with lemon juice and fin worcestershire sauce spread on oil rounds of bread garnish each with the center circle of hard cooked white with the priced yolk in the center by adding potato to our bread we will not only help in conserving cons cring the flour but we will produce a product which Is both wholesome and palatable doughnuts rolls roll and biscuits bis cults are all improved by the addition of mash mas h ed potatoes potato bread take one third of a cupful of liot water or milk add two teaspoonful teaspoon tul each of salt sugar and tat fat three cupful mashed potato six cupfuls of flour clour find a half cupful of yeast or a half cake of compressed yeast and a fourth of a cupful of water rut put the hot water or milk salt fat and sugar in a bowl add the mashed potatoes to it and mix well soften the yeast in the water and add it to the potatoes add one cupful f of flour and knead thoroughly then the second cupful kneading and stirring their the remaining cupfuls cup this dougli dough will seem very lift i and difficult to knead hut but all the flour must muot he be added or the dougli dough will be very seft sctt at the second ki kneading leading let iet rise until double its iti bulk knead again and shape luto into loaves lot let rise until double its bulk and bake in a moderate oven for CO 60 minu teo this will make two loaves illuk t THI atoll wriz |