Show LOOK TO houft PASTUR 11 are your pastures in shape tor for this years grazing brazing season this is tile question now being asked farmers by dr W E carroll professor of 0 animal husbandry at the utah agri cultural college 15 spring ring care ot of pasture land Is highly important says dr garroll carroll in the first place file he pasture should receive a good coating of fine manure fall Is the proper time to spread manure but it the pasture was not red last fall dont neglect it spring after arid and closely following ing harrowed this extra care will pay high dividends more alore animals can be kept to tile acre and in much fatter condition I 1 the pastures pasture should not be used too early la in the spring he be sure that the gribs has a good start before animals are arc turned ou on it for tile the bake of your animals do not turn then them on oil to pasture too suddenly digestive troubles will resu result it it you do and in fit the case of 0 dairy cows the milk will become tainted |