Show TOMATOES ON SINGLE STEM set plants Eight eighteen eighties ien inches apart in rows three feet wide pinch out all shoots where tomatoes are to be trained to a single stem the plants are arc set 18 indies inches apart in rows three feet wide As soon as the young plant begins to grow after being transplanted it sends out branches or shoots from the axis or of tile the leaves when lien these shoots appear pinch them out which will cause the main stall stalk to shoot up ver very cry rapid ly cutup rut up a stake five fire feet tall and tie tic the plant to it As the plant grows more suckers nuil form continue to pinch these out and train the plant to 6 the stake the fruit will be formed on flower clusters about six inches apart on the main stem the method of training does not produce as many tomatoes per plant but the fruit Is much larger in size and of higher quality this method allows 1 ws a great many more plants per acre therefore the yield per acre lai Is greatly increased |