Show 4 buhn GOOD ROADS NOW IMPORTANT transportation of raw materials and finished products Product a of far reaching importance highway authorities tire are facing a new public demand which must receive at once the most careful s tudy study every resource of the country must be utilized to the utmost and all unproductive expenditures of molicy and energy agy must be stopped the tha efficiency of the american army and navy will e fostered by grell greater ter efficiency among those called upon to bear the financial strain on our resources and to furnish the labor and material needed to supply our armed forces the products of the forest mine farm and factory must muk be supplied to both nation and private consumer at the lowest reasonable cost in order that all may contri contribute biCe their utmost w A VZ q tta v y V A I 1 ee n good road near chicago whether it be small or large to the national defense the transportation of raw materials and finished products becomes tar far more important than ever before for transportation charges form a 11 large part ot of the cost of many essentials senti Benti als utility must be given more weight than heretofore in reaching decisions is as to road improvements and mere enjoyment loy joy ment ordinarily a legitimate ob elect eject for some expenditure of public funds must be relegated to the background for a time our roads have acquired an importance as agencies in national preparedness which calls for it i mobilization of our road builders for the he greatest efficiency in the broad transportation problems of the coun try ry |